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The heroine, too, shares the same point of view. "Take me," she murmurs as she falls into the hero's embrace, "be my cave-man." As she says it there is, so the writer assures us, something of the fierce light of the cave-woman in her eyes, the primordial woman to be wooed and won only by force. So, like everybody else, I had, till I saw him, a great idea of the cave-man.

"That is, Leonidas, we are happy when we have attained what we have needed a long time, and which we have been a long time without. It has occurred to me that the cave-man, in all his primitive nakedness, must have had some thrilling moments, moments of pleasures of the body, the mind and the imagination allied, which we modern beings cannot feel." "To what moments do you allude, Hector?"

Her fondest memories were of the days when he first courted her in Cleveland the days when he had carried her off, much as the cave-man seized his mate by force. Now she longed to do what she could for him. For this call was as much a testimony as a shock. He loved her he loved her, after all. The carriage rolled briskly through the long streets into the smoky down-town district.

She wanted to explain that she hadn't meant to run away, that girls never really meant what they said, and would the cave-man please recover at once from his predatory inanition and take notice of her again? "Come," said Barbara, after quite a long silence, "let's go forth and collar a taxi. Anywhere I can take you?

Humanity and civilisation is not headed towards Ab the cave-man, whatever appearances, in the minds of many, may indicate at the present time. Humanity will arise and will reconstruct itself. Great lessons will be learned. Good will result. But what a terrific price to pay!

You have lived in the lower forms, and have worked your way arduously along the Path until now you are reaching the stage of Spiritual Consciousness in which the past and future will begin to appear plain to you for the first time. You have lived as the cave-man the cliff-dweller the savage the barbarian.

This is precisely the viewpoint of the cave-man and the savage, and it has come down from the Man-with-a-Club to the Man-with-a-Gun absolutely unchanged save for one thing: the latter sometimes is prompted to save to-day in order to slaughter to-morrow.

But at the sculptor's entrance, the honest if brutal cave-man had fled, like some noble savage before a talking-machine, and left in a state of civilized helplessness a young gentleman who could not find anything to say for himself. As for Barbara, she had never seen Wilmot look as he had looked, or heard those quivering, broken tones in his voice.

But she had sheltered Nan from the cave-man that dwelt in Roger oddly at variance with the streak of conventionality which lodged somewhere in his temperamental make-up. And she was quite sure that, if Lord St. John knew, he would be glad that his death should have succoured Nan, just as in life he had always sought to serve her.

But she did not guess that the old cave-man was at that moment actually looking out through her old friend's eye-places, and that ten thousand years of civilization are but a thin varnish over the rough and splendid masterpiece that God made in his image. There was a knock at the door. It was Scupper returning. His shrewd, bloodshot little eyes took in the situation at a glance.