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The absurd canards which at an early date gained currency, in Berlin as that the United States had swallowed Canada, that the Afghans in mass were invading; India, that Ireland was plunged in civil war point in the same direction; and so do the barbarities of the Teutonic troops in the matters of humanity and art.

Rumours of the most contradictory character are rife from morning till night in the open air lobby of the Assembly the Rue des Réservoirs. Deputies who "ought to know better" circulate very absurd canards; but, as remarks a local print, "Que voulez-vous? On s'ennuie, il faut bien passer le temps!"

Performances of your works in the French or Italian language must for the present be looked upon as pia desideria, or else as newspaper canards. Do not allow yourself to be led away by vague talking, and preserve your justifiable pride................. ................................. I start to-night with the Princess and her daughter for the Tyrolese mountains.

Her few chosen friends, with whom she corresponded on terms of perfect confidence, were among the best people in London not the circulators of club-house canards, the pickers-up of second-hand gossip from the society papers, but actors in the comedy of high life, arbiters of fashion and taste, born and bred in the purple.

Pitch into Beugnot and Syrieys de Mayrinhac and the rest. You might have the sketches ready in advance, and we shall have something to fall back upon." "How if we invented one or two cases of refusal of burial with aggravating circumstances?" asked Hector. "Do not follow in the tracks of the big Constitutional papers; they have pigeon-holes full of ecclesiastical canards," retorted Vernou.

There was meat for gossip a plenty in Canaan that afternoon and evening; there were rumors that ran from kitchen to parlor, and rumors that ran from parlor to kitchen; speculations that detained housewives in talk across front gates; wonderings that held cooks in converse over shadeless back fences in spite of the heat; and canards that brought Main Street clerks running to the shop doors to stare up and down the sidewalks.

"They say that it is in the power of certain people to drive him out of political life at any moment." Dartrey's smile was sufficiently contemptuous but there was a note of anxiety in his tone which he could not altogether conceal. "These canards are very absurd, Nora," he declared.

Voltaire said, 'Canaux, canards, canaille! But the government has its own engineers; you can't get a finger in the matter unless you get on the right side of them; for the Chamber, oh, monsieur, the Chamber does us all the harm in the world! It won't take in the political question hidden under the financial question. There's bad faith on one side or the other.

Even M. de Cocheforet, who was at first inclined to build on it, gave up hope when he heard that it came only by way of Montauban; whence since its reduction the year before all sort of CANARDS against the Cardinal were always on the wing. 'They kill him about once a month, our host said with a grin.

Next morning, you may be sure, the news was all over the town of Chapelizod. All sorts of cross rumours and wild canards, of course, were on the wind, and every new fact or fib borne to the door-step with the fresh eggs, or the morning's milk and butter, was carried by the eager servant into the parlour, and swallowed down with their toast and tea by the staring company.