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The man... And if I ever if you ever expect me to to c-care for a man all over overalls " "But I don't Good Heavens! I don't expect you to care for for overalls " "Then why do you wear them?" she asked in tremulous indignation. The young man, galvanized, sprang from his chair and began running about, taking little, short, distracted steps.

"But I don't know what to do if I never see you again for weeks! I c-care so much for you." She shrank back in her chair, and in her altered face he read that he had disgraced himself. "I knew I was going to," he said in despair. "I couldn't keep it I couldn't stop it. And now that you see what sort of a man I am I'm going to tell you more." "You need not," she said faintly. "I must. Listen!

"Ah! ah, to be sure, Ronald, our young Good Samaritan having purchased the brother, would naturally expect the sister " "Have a c-care, Chichester, I say!" "The sister to be grateful, my dear boy. Pah! don't you see it, Ronald? a sprat to catch a whale! The brother saved, the sister's gratitude gained Oh, most disinterested, young Good Samaritan!"

She rave a gasp, and after a moment plunged on into her wrongs: "When when one of us even walks past on the street, they they whistle and say a-all kinds of things out loud, j-just as if w-we weren't there at all. Th- they don't c-care; we're just n-nigger w-women." Cissie suddenly began sobbing with a faint catching noise, her full bosom shaken by the spasms; her tears slowly welling over.

"Something snapped somewhere," explained the young man with forced carelessness, "some unimportant splinter gave way and the thing slid down an inch or two." "D-do you think " "No, I don't. But it's perfectly fine of you to care." "C-care? I'm a little frightened, of course.... Anybody would be.... Oh, I wish you were out and p-perfectly safe."

This is all sheer nonsense, and I'm glad I've been able to stop it before it's gone any further." "But, Aunt Polly, it HAS gone further," quavered Pollyanna. "Why, I I already have learned to lo c-care for him dearly." "Then you'll have to unlearn it, Pollyanna, for never, never will I give my consent to your marrying Jimmy Bean." "But w-why, auntie?"

Boots, you'll drive home in my place." As he turned, still smiling and self-possessed, Eileen whispered rapidly: "Don't go. I care for you too much to ask it." He said under his breath: "Dearest, you cannot understand." "Yes I do! Don't go. Philip don't go near her " "I must." "If you do if you go h-how can you c-care for me as you say you do? when I ask you not to when I cannot endure to "

Beyond the door were the sounds of sobbing. Lawler folded his arms over his chest and with the fingers of one hand caressing his chin, watched the door. "Ruth," he said, finally; "where is your father?" "I I d-don't know. And I don't c-care." Lawler started, and his eyes narrowed with suspicion as he looked at the door it seemed that he was trying to peer through it.

He just dropped in and we were talking about you at least I was and I had heard that Harry St. Maur was paying you marked attention before you came west and and that some people thought you were engaged and so and so " "You told Mr. Spencer that I was engaged to Harry St. Maur?" "No-o-o I just hinted. I didn't mean an-any harm. I never dreamed you'd really c-care.