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Updated: August 19, 2024

Basely deserts her offsprings without even barin' a tooth, an' the cow-punchers takes 'em gently by their tails an' beats out their joovenile brains. That's straight; that mother lion goes swarmin' up the canyon like she ain't got a minute to live.

In short, the place soon became a babel of shouts and squeals, and, after watching and listening for a time, the barin found it so impossible to concentrate his mind upon anything that he sent out word that the noise would have to be abated.

At first he didn't realise who it was, the face was so white and the figure so quiet, then, pulling himself together, he saw that it was the old servant. "What is it, Andre?" he asked, sitting up. The old man didn't answer, but came into the room, carefully closing the door behind him. Lawrence saw that he was trembling with fright, but was still endeavouring to behave with dignity. "Barin!

I drive a fare where he tells me to go," he replied. "Yes, but, all the same, what do you think I went there for?" I persisted. "I expect some one you know is going to be buried there, so you went to see about a plot for the grave." "No, no, my friend. Still, DO you know what I went there for?" "No, of course I cannot tell, barin," he repeated.

He knew nothing about the war, but he hoped, he frankly told me, that there would be anarchy in Petrograd, so that he might rob and plunder. "I will look after you then, Barin," he answered me, "so that no one shall touch you." I thanked him.

Wish ter grashus hit wuz me dat hab it! en you barin' hit so patient, too, w'en I smokin'. Dar, I kiver hit up now, en hit ain' dar in de mawnin'. I reck'n I go back ter de cabin now, honey. I kin'er used ter my own chimbly corner. Miss Whately got sump'n ter say ter comfort you." "Very well, mammy. I'll see that you have no trouble," and the old woman departed.

"Because, if you please, his skin is whiter than the rest, and he has the respectable paunch of a gentleman." Meanwhile good progress was being made with the hauling in of the barin; until, feeling the ground with his feet, he rose to an upright position, and at the same moment caught sight of the koliaska, with Chichikov seated therein, descending the declivity.

He eyed me narrowly as he pulled up, but nevertheless said: "Very well. Get in, barin." I must confess that I had some qualms lest he should drive me to a quiet corner somewhere, and then rob me, but I caught hold of the collar of his ragged driving-coat, close to where his wrinkled neck showed sadly lean above his hunched-up back, and climbed on to the blue-painted, curved, rickety scat.

That is to say, that he must be thinking that no such fine-spirited young man existed in the world as I. Suddenly he shot at me: "I tell you what, barin. You ought to keep God's affairs to yourself." "What?" I said. "Those affairs of yours they are God's business," he repeated, mumbling the words with his toothless lips.

Just as he was about to replace them in his master's room he happened to glance over the railing of the gallery, and saw Selifan returning from the stable. Glances were exchanged, and in an instant the pair had arrived at an instinctive understanding an understanding to the effect that the barin was sound asleep, and that therefore one might consider one's own pleasure a little.

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