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The Court House, Hall of Records, the Occidental and Santa Rosa Hotels, the Athenaeum Theatre, the new Masonic Temple, Odd Fellows' Block, all the banks, everything went, and in all the city not one brick or stone building was left standing, except the California Northwestern Depot.

Spragg was again silent, but he left the building at Ralph's side, and the two walked along together toward Wall Street. Presently the older man asked: "How did you get acquainted with Moffatt?" "Why, by chance Undine ran across him somewhere and asked him to dine the other night." "Undine asked him to dine?" "Yes: she told me you used to know him out at Apex." Mr.

Popular sentiment, taking more and more firmly hold of the fact that there is a direct connection between helpless poverty and bad housing, shaped itself in 1898 into a volunteer Tenement House Committee which, as an effective branch of the Charity Organization Society, drew up and presented to the municipal authorities a reform code of building ordinances affecting the dwellings of the poor.

Early that morning all the growing and grown young men of Findramore and its "vircinity" had assembled, selected a suitable spot, and, with merry hearts, were then busily engaged in erecting a school-house for their general accomodation. The manner of building hedge school-houses being rather curious, I will describe it.

Her dairy is a separate building, after Norway fashion, and so is her summer kitchen, where I know she is this minute, making porridge. Can you eat porridge? 'Truly I cannot say, Mr. Rollo. But I do not often "thwart" myself as you may have observed. Does the absence of Norse blood make the fact doubtful?

The poor fellow pleaded the impossibility of getting out by any other means, when the marquis, stamping his foot with rage, bade him begone up the chimney, and ordered him to find his way over the castle-roof to another chimney at the farthest extremity of the building, which led into an ancient buttery, and thence to the park.

It presents a venerable specimen of the timber-and-plaster style of building; the front rises into many gables, the windows mostly open on hinges; the whole affair looks very old, but the state of repair is perfect.

Approaching the hay-trussers, she could hear the fiddled notes of a reel proceeding from some building in the rear; but no sound of dancing was audible an exceptional state of things for these parts, where as a rule the stamping drowned the music.

From the great window of the Savoy Hotel, I watched the funeral of Lord Roberts, the national hero. The Thames embankment could be seen, but, though a garden of not fifty yards in width separated the building from the embankment, the fog was thick enough to make the people as indistinct as though they had been half a mile away.

The carpenter was at work on a new Presbyterian mission building, and when he came in I explained that Dr. I was here only one night, however, for Mr.