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He must also know Jommithry accordin' to Grunther's scale the Castigation of the Klipsticks Surveying, and the use of the Jacob-staff. "N.B. Would get a good dale of Surveyin' to do in the vircinity of Findramore, particularly in Con-acre time. If he know the use of the globe, it would be an accusation.

Any schoolmaster capacious and collified to instruct in the above-mintioned branches, would get a good school in the townland Findramore and its vircinity, be well fed, an' get the hoith o' good livin' among the farmers, an' would be ped "For Gommethry, &c, half a qinny a quarther. "Arithmatic, aight and three-hapuns. "Readin", Writin', &c, six Hogs.

After drinking another bottle, and amusing themselves with some further chat, one of the Dolans undertook to draw up the advertisement, which ran as follows: "For the nabourhood and the vircinity of the Townland of Findramore, in the Parish of Aughindrum, in the Barony of Lisnamoghry, County of Sligo, Province of Connaught, Ireland.

Early that morning all the growing and grown young men of Findramore and its "vircinity" had assembled, selected a suitable spot, and, with merry hearts, were then busily engaged in erecting a school-house for their general accomodation. The manner of building hedge school-houses being rather curious, I will describe it.

"Given under our hands, this 37th day of June, 18004. "Larry Dolan. "Brine Murphey. "Jack Traynor. "Andy Connell. "N.B. By making airly application to any of the undher-mintioned, he will hear of further particklers; and if they find that he will shoot them, he may expect the best o' thratement, an' be well fed among the farmers.* "N.B. Would get also a good Night-school among the vircinity."