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"Given under our hands, this 37th day of June, 18004. "Larry Dolan. "Brine Murphey. "Jack Traynor. "Andy Connell. "N.B. By making airly application to any of the undher-mintioned, he will hear of further particklers; and if they find that he will shoot them, he may expect the best o' thratement, an' be well fed among the farmers.* "N.B. Would get also a good Night-school among the vircinity."

Come away with me; only, upon my word, sir, I will take it very kind if you will give me a few particklers of this astonishing business as we go." He put on a sun helmet, and led the way from the room. Jumping into the victoria, he ordered the temporary coachman to drive to Harris Road, a quarter of a mile beyond the Custom House.

"Dear Sir: I believe you command the company, as they call it, in which there was a gentleman named Mr. Elliott. The papers reports that he was kild at thfe battle of Chickamaugy. I had some correspondence with him, and I sent him my picture. Would you kindly write me the particklers of his death, and also what was done with sich letters and other things that he had?

"Yes," replied Hays, with a slight knitting of the brows, "the Doctor mout hev writ more particklers, but parsons ain't allus business men. I reckon these here extrys were to push Jack along in the term, as the Doctor knew I wanted him back here in the spring, now that his brother has got to be too stiff-necked and self-opinionated to do his father's work."