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Updated: August 12, 2024

The man who rented the rooms next those of Cunningham had left for Chicago on the twenty-second and had not yet returned to Denver. Cole took in the easy-chairs, the draperies, and the soft rugs with an appreciative eye. "The old boy believed in solid comfort. You wouldn't think to look at this that he'd spent years on a bronc's back buckin' blizzards. Some luxury, I'll say!

"'She's gone riding, I whisper in my bronc's ear, 'with Birdstone Jack, the hired mule from Sheep Man's Cañada. Did you get that, old Leather-and-Gallops? "That bronc of mine wept, in his way. He'd been raised a cow pony and he didn't care for snoozers. "I went back and said to Uncle Emsley: 'Did you say a sheep man? "'I said a sheep man, says Uncle Emsley again.

"What'll I do? Where'll I find work?" "Out on the range. At the K Bar T, or the Keystone, or the Slash Lazy D. It don't m-matter where." "I can't ride." "Hmp! Learn, can't you? Dud Hollister an' Tom Reeves wasn't neither one of them born on a bronc's back. They climbed up there. So can you. You'll take the dust forty times. You'll get yore bones busted an' yore red haid cut open.

"'She's gone riding, I whisper in my bronc's ear, 'with Birdstone Jack, the hired mule from Sheep Man's Canada. Did you get that, old Leather-and-Gallops? "That bronc of mine wept, in his way. He'd been raised a cow pony and he didn't care for snoozers. "I went back and said to Uncle Emsley: 'Did you say a sheep man? "'I said a sheep man, says Uncle Emsley again.

"Nothing like locking the stable after your bronc's been stole. I'd a-been a heap better off if I'd got on the wagon a week ago." Since their way was one for several miles Maloney and Curly took the road together next morning at daybreak. Their ponies ambled along side by side at the easy gait characteristic of the Southwest. Steadily they pushed into the brown baked desert.

"Looks like the law's made to protect scalawags instead of honest folks," Dave told West. "I don't reckon it is, but it acts that way sometimes," admitted the cattleman. "You can see yoreself it wouldn't do for the law to say a fellow could get property from another man by just sayin' it was his. Sorry, Sanders. After all, a bronc's only a bronc.

He did not intend to volunteer any information, though on the other hand he did not want to stir suspicion by making a mystery for gossips to chew on. "Looks like you been hitting the road at a right lively gait." Mac cut in. "Shoulder of my bronc's chafed from the saddle. Got anything that'll heal it?" "You bet I have."

"Didn't you hear this guy say Harshaw sent them here? Use yore horse sense, man." Houck turned to Hollister. "Yore bronc's with the others. The saddle's over by that rock. Take 'em an' hit the trail." In sullen rage Houck watched Dud saddle and cinch. Not till the Slash Lazy D riders were ready to go did he speak again. "Tell you what I'll do," he proposed.

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