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The cock, the hen, and the brindled cow all opened their mouths and called out together, "Oh, let her stay! We'll not say nay." Then Alween thanked the animals for their kindness and, going close to them, she stroked the smooth feathers of the cock and the hen and patted the brindled cow on the white star in her forehead.

"The skittish heifer is getting gentle at last, Faith Ring,", said the borderer; casting the but of his musket on the ground with a violence that left a deep impression on the faded sward at his feet. "That brindled ox, old Logger, is not more willing to come into his yoke, than is the four-year-old to yield her milk."

Though his age did not exceed thirty years, his beard, which was of a brindled hue, flowed down, like Aaron's, to his middle.

"If you will go," she replied, "I will get up at once and make ready some soup for the old man, and then I will feed the pretty little hen, and the cock, and the beautiful brindled cow." She thought the old man was up already, and looked round at his bed; he, however, was not lying in it, but a stranger.

Then came the ceremony of "coming to scratch". When time was called for the second round the brindled dog was let loose in his own corner, and was required by the rules to go across the ring of his own free will and attack the other dog. If he failed to do this he would lose the fight. The white dog, meanwhile, was held in his corner waiting the attack.

But it has humbug you have no humbug, Jacobina. On the faith of a man, Jacobina, you be better than the world! baugh! You takes care of your own interest, but you takes care of your master's too! You loves me as well as yourself. Few cats can say the same, Jacobina! and no gossip that flings a stone at your pretty brindled skin, can say half as much.

Opening a side door, Travis seized him by the stump of a tail and one hind leg knowing his mouth was too full of ham to bite anything and threw him, still clutching the ham, bodily into the back yard. Without changing the attitude he found himself in when he hit the ground, the brindled dog went on with his luncheon. The very cheek of it set Travis to laughing.

It is of a bluish colour hence the name, and "brindled," or striped along the sides. Its habits are very similar to those of the common gnoo, but it is altogether a heavier and duller animal, and still more eccentric and ungainly in its form.

By sunset the far west was all a sullen gloom veined with lurid, tawny streaks, and mottled with deeper stains. Old Peter Sheridan, who is reputed to have "a great eye for the weather," turned it forebodingly upon the prospect, and said the sky was "the moral for all the world of the back of an ould brindled bull, and he'd never known any good come of that manner of apparance." And true for him.

He bristled up like a brindled cat. If there's any one thing the Cap'n is down on, it's gamblin' and such always exceptin' when he knows he's won already. You've seen that kind, maybe. "'Young feller, he says, perkish, 'I want you to know that me and my friend ain't the bettin' kind. What sort of a hole IS this, anyway? "The rubber collared critter backed off, lookin' worried.