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Suppose I worked in a factory and lost a leg in the machinery, like that girl of Mantell, the bricklayer's? Suppose I get an awful disease to hear some people talk you'd think there wasn't any chances of death or horrible diseases at respectable work. Why, how could anybody be worse off than if they got lung trouble and boils as big as your fist like those girls over in the tobacco factory?"

The London policeman's upheld hand, was an eloquent speech on the sacred meaning of law to a free people. Youth helped age to a seat in a public vehicle, and the bricklayer quenched the fire of his pipe because the smoke annoyed a lady sitting behind him. Sir George would have built a bricklayer's statue on the best site that London could provide.

I believe this to be true, from what I have seen and heard; and certainly the coloured people have a great preference for the English. I am persecuted by the ugliest and blackest Mozambiquer I have yet seen, a bricklayer's labourer, who can speak English, and says he was servant to an English Captain 'Oh, a good fellow he was, only he's dead! He now insists on my taking him as a servant.

No, I did not beg; I had money enough. "Well, you'll have to go on farther. I've nothing for you to do here; the ploughing's done. Can you cut staves for a fence? "Yes." "H'm. Well, I don't use wooden fences any more. I've put up wire. Do bricklayer's work?" "Yes." "That's a pity. I've had bricklayers at work here for weeks; you might have got a job. But it's all done now."

At first I thought he was going to build a stone hut in the corner, but when I got close to him I saw that he was working carefully on the original plan of the building: he was building the unfinished parts of the foundation walls up to the required height. He had bricklayer's tools, a bag of lime, and a heap of sand, and had worked up a considerable quantity of mortar.

My conclusion was that if the spirits of the dead still roamed the world they carried the goodness or the malignancy of the earth-life with them. But there wasn't any Bricklayer's ghost that I insisted upon. A few minutes, thinking thus, I paced up and down.

And to care whether a thing is painful or pleasant is as absurd as to care whether the bricklayer's trowel is knocking the sharp corner off a brick, or plastering mortar on the one below it before he lays it carefully on its course. Is the building getting on? That is the one question that is worth thinking about. You and I write our lives as if on one of those manifold writers which you use.

Then the guitar sounded fiercely, and several male voices began the sextette from "Lucia." Johnny's reedy tenor they knew well, and the bricklayer's big, opaque barytone; the others might be anybody over there just Mexican voices. Then at the appointed, at the acute, moment, the soprano voice, like a fountain jet, shot up into the light. "HORCH! HORCH!" the old people whispered, both at once.

"At half-past five, Thomas Savage, a bricklayer's labourer employed by the Cubitt Town Construction Company, was making his way across Hyde Park en route to his work. He had crossed the main drive which runs parallel with the Bayswater Road, when his attention was attracted to a figure lying on the grass near to the sidewalk.

Between him and the small window, almost blocking the light on a platform constructed of three planks and a couple of chairs set face to face stood Nicky-Nan, with a trowel in one hand and a bricklayer's board in the other, surprised in the act of plastering his parlour ceiling. "Had an accident here?" asked Dr Mant, eyeing the job critically. "Old house tumbling about your ears?"