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The amphitheatre was illuminated, and in the middle was a circular bower, composed of all kinds of firs in tubs, from twenty to thirty feet high; under them orange trees with small lamps in each orange, and below them all sorts of the finest auriculas in pots; and festoons of natural flowers hanging from tree to tree. Between the arches, too, were firs, and smaller ones in the balconies above.

They were renowned shots, long-limbed stalking sportsmen in field and bower, fast friends, intemperate enemies, handsome to feminine eyes, resembling one another in build, and mostly of the Northern colour, or betwixt the tints, with an hereditary nose and mouth that cried Romfrey from faces thrice diluted in cousinships. The Hon.

I have packages brought from time to time from England, and, before I came upon this expedition, I had these sent ahead of me to the bower that I might dip into them in the evenings if I felt so inclined. Reading gives us a wider horizon, and, at the same time, takes us away from the day's troubles."

Persons who went to see him in dudgeon, to complain against some act which displeased them, found him "a bower of roses," too sweet and soft to be treated harshly. He could say "no" to applicants for office so gently that they felt no resentment.

Sponge, staggering in the direction of the stable in which he put his horse. The house clock then struck ten. 'She's fast, observed Mr. Peastraw, fearing his guest might be wanting to stay all night. 'How far will Puddingpote Bower be from here? asked Mr. Sponge. 'Oh, no distance, sir, no distance, replied Mr. Peastraw, now leading out the horse. 'Can't miss your way, sir can't miss your way.

Either by chance or design and with the facts in the case I leave you to determine which these confederates placed themselves near a bower to which your daughter had resorted but a few minutes previously, so that she, however unwillingly, must have heard a good portion of what passed between them! Only think of it!

The contempt for Lord Home as a conspirator‘in good faith he will never help his friend or harm his foe’and the praises of Bower, are characteristic, and, here, are in place; elsewhere they are idle repetitions, mere copies. The apology for bad writingLogan could not employ a secretary in this caseis natural: the two days writing agrees with Sprot’s evidence.

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the King after taking the maiden, committed her to the tire women bidding them amend her case and set her in a bower, and ordered his chamberlains to shut all the doors upon her when they had lodged her in a chamber whose latticed casements overlooked the main.

He looked at the sword wonderingly. "Stand back!" cried Jinks, "or thou art dead, young man! Turn your horse into that receptacle of animals again, and go not toward the Bower of Nature!" "Anan?" said the young man, calmly. "So you pretend not to understand, do you!

She was quite sure, for instance, judging from a number of slight indications, that Spencer was deliberately avoiding any opportunity of making Bower's acquaintance. More than once, when an introduction seemed to be imminent, the American effaced himself. Other men in the hotel were not like that they rather sought the great man's company. She wondered if Bower had noticed it.