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They boosted at Headquarters, so the first thing you know Aleck was a Drummer, with two Grips bigger than Dog- Houses and a chance to swing on the Expense Account.

Don't look so glum; it's all right, I tell you. Now, this was the way of it: When I got my papers at the post office I saw that Western Air stock, which had been playing antics before, had gone clean crazy. It's been boosted sky high. All sorts of rumours, the chief being that the Hess System people were responsible. So I wired for the latest. Got a reply that it was impossible to confirm rumours.

"They'll yap about this place, and how they built it, till you'll wish it was swallowed up by that kingdom they guess they're going to get boosted into by means of it.

If it puts you out of business, remember, it's boosted my stocks fifty per cent. You know what I told you about chicken feed." She buried her nose in her handkerchief, turning her head. Her eyes had begun to crinkle. "It it's just awful! All them sweet boys!" "Now, cryin' ain't goin' to help. You 'ain't got no one marchin' off." "That's just it. I 'ain't got no one.

Before the old gent knowed what had got him, Santa and the Hen had boosted him up the steps onto the platform of the Pullman where the Pullman conductor got a grip on him just in time to save him from spilling and then the train pulled out: with the Pullman conductor keeping him steady, and he throwing back good-bye kisses to the Hen with both hands.

"Well, you'll have confidence enough before the day's over," said the inventor, grabbing me with some determination. "For once, I'll get the best of your sneers. You come along!" "Let go!" I shouted. "Here," said Hawkins to the mechanic who was warily eying the Alcomotive, "help Mr. Griggs up." Hawkins boosted and the man grabbed me.

At the very end there was a hole which let in daylight. Konate was boosted up; but when he stuck his head through, a soldier saw it and he had to duck down. Thereupon the soldiers stopped the hole with a large rock. When ten days and nine nights had passed, they all decided that they would either escape or be killed. The horse meat could not be touched; neither could the water.

At first we could descry in the walls of the cavern no other openings than the entrance, the chimney and this opening above our reach, unless one boosted the other up. From under it we went all round the cave past the fire-place and the entrance.

What if her feet should skid and after ten or a dozen bell hops had boosted her up again they should find me underneath? Still I was in for it. No scoutin' around for back-number restaurants, as I'd planned at first. No, Bonnie had asked to be brought up-to-date. So she should, too. But I did wish she'd come to town in something besides that late Queen Victoria costume.

It struck her that Cutty knew a great deal more than Kitty Conover; and so far as she could see there was no apparent reason for this secrecy. She rather believed she had Cutty. Either he should tell her everything or she would run loose, Bolshevik or no Bolshevik. Sheep. She boosted one over the bars, another and another. Round somewhere in the thirties the bars dissolved.