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Alexander never said a word; but he cast down his eyes, turned pale, pressed Master Boltay's hand in silence, and then quitted the room. So long as the lad had been with him, Boltay was all radiant and jocose, but when he had departed, a couple of tears trickled from the old man's eyes. He himself suspected and feared that Alexander loved in vain.

All the way along she was concocting the further details of the great affair. Leaving the coach standing on the outskirts of the wood, she would make her way on foot to Boltay's dwelling, and there she would say that she had brought the things from town. Maturing thus her amiable designs, she safely reached the meadows near Boltay's dwelling.

Boltay's partner, and all the obligations of the firm are binding upon both of us equally. The credit of the establishment demands it." Conrad began to doubt whether the youth was in his right mind or knew how to read. "Have you read what is in that letter?" he roared. "Yes. It is a challenge." "And what right have you to accept a challenge which is meant for some one else?"

Fanny rushed out to meet Boltay's waggon when he was still a long way off, dragged him down from the coach-box, and, full of childlike gaiety, conducted him all round her little domain; and Boltay kept pinching her cheeks, which were so firm and round that he could scarcely grip hold of them. It was plain that she did not give so much of her time now to melancholy brooding.

Keep it a secret for a time to please me." And Fanny promised to keep it secret. On the appointed day, old Kárpáthy if it be right to call our intending bridegroom old sent Palko to Boltay's, and with great delight received the message that he was to come for the ring himself.

Boltay's house, and Teresa had kept it quiet, no doubt, because there had been certain relations between her and Boltay in their younger days, or perhaps she went to see him because Boltay's adopted son wanted to marry Fanny. As for herself, she did not mean to trouble her head about them any more. Abellino bit his lips till the blood came, he was so angry.

Boltay's confidential agent, and during his absence he has entrusted me with the transaction of all his business."

Meyer, Fanny's mother," sobbed the woman in the bitterness of her heart, throwing herself at Boltay's feet, and covering first his hands and then his knees, and then his very boots with her kisses, and shedding oceans of tears. Boltay, who was not used to such tragical scenes, could only stand there as if rooted to the spot, without asking her to get up or even tell him what was the matter.

They spoke not a word to each other; it was a way they had got into lately. Suddenly a handsome carriage turned into the street, and stopped in front of Boltay's house. Fanny, young girl as she was, peeped out of the window. The person sitting in the carriage was just about to get out.

In half an hour we will set out together, and just leave the rest to me." Mrs. Meyer would thereupon have kissed Mr. Boltay's boots again, but the worthy man escaped from the sentimental creature in time, and employed the half-hour during which he was absent from her in scouring about the slop-shops and collecting all sorts of ready-made garments, and returned home with a complete suit, which Mrs.