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I expect I'll have a pretty good newspaper this week; yes, sir, a pretty good newspaper, and I guess you men got to jump around a good deal to do everything I think of, or else maybe I guess I'll have to turn you off. I don't want to haf to do that, men." The blackmailed partners made no reply, on account of an inability that was perfect for the moment.

She don't fancy being recognized and blackmailed, or I miss my guess. You may have to pay Bisbee something, but D. V.'s not that sort, and I don't think anybody else is on. If they've suspected they'll soon forget it when the old lady disappears from the Palace Hotel. Gee, but she has a nerve." "She is an old cynic.

Sabin said, raising his head, "I should take you to be an Englishman." "Quite correct, sir," the man answered. "I drove a hansom in London for eight years." "You will understand me then," Mr. Sabin continued, "when I say that I have no great confidence in the police of this country. I do not wish to be blackmailed or bullied. I would ask you, therefore, to make your inquiries with discretion."

The boy cast a frightened glance over his shoulder rather as if he fancied he might be overheard. "Of those letters," he replied. "I am sure it was that. I watched him and ... and I know. Every time he got one of those letters in the bluish envelopes, these curious fits of gloom came over him. Robin ..." "What, Bruce?" "I think he was being blackmailed!" The barrister nodded thoughtfully.

Terrible warnings were conveyed to the innocent country-side by the chronicler in such sub-heads as "A Widower Blackmailed," "A Minister Falls among Thieves," "Blackmailers at a Wedding," "A Bride Called On." Darkly the investigator painted the gambling evil of the New York of the sixties. The dens of chance were in aristocratic neighbourhoods and superbly appointed.

This is one time when I'm not to be dictated to no, nor blackmailed." He spoke roughly and glanced at her quickly. Not an eyelash quivered. His voice changed. "I wish I understood you," he grumbled. "I wish I did. But perhaps that would, after all, be a great pity. You're an extraordinary woman, Mrs. Marteen. You've 'got me going, as the college boys say but I like you, hanged if I don't.

After copying some secret papers for a man in Kiev, she had blackmailed him, obtained a big sum of money, and then married a man named Boulovitch, a prosperous landed proprietor.

He had been trying to get in touch with Poultney Illis for more than a fortnight, but his cables to London had brought no response. "When did he arrive?" "Just lately. He's a game old rooster, ain't he? Gee, he's sore!" "Sore about what?" Bulker winked again, with the same lack of muscular control. "About that North Pass deal, of course. He was blackmailed out of a cold million.

Briefly, it was a triangular fight between opponents each of whom was in the wrong, and each of whom, to gain his end, bribed, blackmailed, and robbed, not only his adversaries, but those of his own side, the end in view being the possession of those great deposits that lie in the rocks of Valencia, baked from above by the tropic sun and from below by volcanic fires.

At once the lie that Fairfield told her assumed a new aspect. She denounced him as the murderer. She dared not say that she was the first to discover the body, for that would have meant revealing that she knew he was being blackmailed. "Then the Princess Petrovska paid her a visit and told her that Grell was not dead but in hiding.