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Updated: August 16, 2024

Peterkin; a small foot-rug in case the ground should be damp; some paint-boxes of the little boys'; a box of fish-hooks for Solomon John; an ink-bottle, carefully done up in a great deal of newspaper, which was fortunate, as the ink was oozing out; some old magazines, and a blacking-bottle; and at the bottom, a sun-dial.

So I endeavoured to compose myself to sleep; before, however, I could succeed, I heard the sound of stumping steps coming upstairs, and perceived a beam of light through the crevices of the door, and in a moment more the door opened and in came two loutish farming lads whom I had observed below, one of them bearing a rushlight stuck into an old blacking-bottle.

Do you think a gentleman will make his way home any the better for having the scent of your blacking-bottle thrust up his nostrils? Boots slunk back, in more amusement than ill-humour, thinking the lawyer's 'rum talk' was doubtless part and parcel of his professional ability; and Mr. Dempster pursued his slow way alone.

There was a tin bucket with a hole in the bottom; there was a brown teapot without a spout; there was an earthenware blacking-bottle too strong to be broken; there were other shattered glass bottles and shards of crockery; there was a rim of a silk hat, and more than one toeless boot. He turned away, and looked down the road towards the town.

I am of an active turn I want to go into business that will occupy me all day long business that requires some head. Even his reverence, the first man in the country, acknowledged my talents and what is the vent for them here? The blacking-bottle." IN a low public outside the town in a back room with their arms on the table and their low foreheads nearly touching, sat whispering two men types.

When I recall one old gentleman who is rather choice in his shoe-brushes and blacking-bottle, I have summed up the domestic elegances of that side of the building.

Harry especially felt this. Still they had no resource but to obey, and scrubbed away with might and main. At last the captain came below. "Now, you young English midshipman, I've some special work for you to do. See that locker; there are several pairs of boots and shoes you'll find a blacking-bottle and brushes. I want them cleaned." Harry's proud spirit rose within him.

"Misericorde! if I were to ensconce myself in this leafy cabin, this gloomy sombre hole, I should fancy myself seated at the bottom of a blacking-bottle I respectfully decline the honour of occupying the hut." "Very well, let us proceed to another," we exclaimed.

None will follow us to Shamlegh. This was the nervous Rampur man. 'I have been Fostum Sahib's shikarri, and I am Yankling Sahib's shikarri. I shall not leave this Holy One. They sat down a little apart from the lama, and, after listening awhile, passed round a water-pipe whose receiver was an old Day and Martin blacking-bottle.

"But why do you want to spoil them?" gasped Miss White, struggling to take the blacking-bottle away from her. "Elizabeth, tell me immejetly! What has happened?" "I didn't go on the journey," said Elizabeth; "and David wouldn't stay at home with me; he liked Blair and Nannie better 'an me. He hurt my feelings; so pretty soon right away I got mad mad mad to think he wouldn't stay with me.

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