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He was to give me ten dollar an acre for the clearin’, and one dollar an acre over the first cost on the woodland, and we agreed to leave the buildin’s to men. So I tuck Asa Montagu, and he tuck Absalom Bement, and they two tuck old Squire Napthali Green. And so they had a meetin’, and made out a vardict of eighty dollars for the buildin’s.

In the forging plant, located in the same building, there is an 18,000 pound Bement hammer, and a ten-ton traveling crane to convey forgings from the furnaces to the hammer. There are two furnaces for heating large ingots and blooms for forgings. A ventilating fan supplies fresh air to the mills through pipes located overhead, and having outlets near the heating furnaces.

"I didn' mind so much 'bout that," said Israel, "but what come kinder tough on me wuz a seein them poor white-livered pulin chaps tew my house tuk back ter jail." For the debtors whom the mob had released from Great Barrington jail, including those to whom Israel had given asylum, had now been recaptured and returned to the charge of Cephas Bement and his pretty wife.

I'll come for you," and still holding his grief-wrung face averted, that Reuben might not see it, he went forth, and Bement shut the door and barred it.

He evidently expected nothing better than to be butchered without mercy on the spot. "Good morning, Mr. Bement," said Perez, as coolly as if he had just dropped in for a glass of flip. "Good morning sir," faintly articulated the landlord. "You remember me, perhaps. I took dinner here, and visited by brother in the jail last Saturday. I should like to see him again.

She wouldn' let me inter see Zadkiel, an I'm jess a itchin tew git my hands ontew her, an that's the trewth, ef I be a perfesser. You let the man alone. I'll git them keys, or my name ain't Resignation Ann Poor." There was a general murmur of approval, and without waiting for orders from Perez, Abner and his helpers let Bement drop, and he scrambled to his feet. Mrs. Bement began to pant.