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Helen sat immovable for over a minute, then she bowed her head and burst into dry tearless sobs which wracked her body. Kent laid a tender hand on her shoulder, then concluding it was better for her to have her cry out, he wandered aimlessly about the office waiting for her to regain her composure. He stopped before one of the windows facing south and stared moodily at the Belasco Theater.

She went with him upon the little outings which they had taken together, and of which I learned for the first time from her fever-crazed lips. "Isn't this delicious salad, Dicky?" she would cry. "What a magnificent view of the ocean you can get from here? Wouldn't Belasco envy that moonlight effect?" Then more tender memories would obsess her.

You know lights dimmed, throbby music from the bull fiddle and kettle drums, and the ushers seatin' nobody durin' the act. Belasco stuff. The stage showin' the private office of the Corrugated Trust. It's a case of the big four in solemn conclave. Maybe you can guess the other three. Uh-huh! Old Hickory Ellins, Mr. Robert, and Piddie.

Then I assigned the different parts and started rehearsing. David Belasco would have thrown up his hands in despair at the material which I had to use. Just imagine trying to teach a Tommy, with a strong cockney accent, to impersonate a Bowery Tough or a Southern Negro. Adjacent to our billet was an open field. We got busy at one end of it and constructed a stage.

It was all very Belasco and in strict compliance with the League Rules laid down by W. Somerset Maugham. The Curtain began to descend very slowly, with Ferdinand and Adele holding the Picture. It seems, however, that they had not come to the real, sure-enough Finis. The Terminus was some distance down the Line. The Curtain refused to fall. "What is the idea?" asked Adele, somewhat perturbed.

During the last few years The Referee has been uttering a note of warning about the danger of the establishment in London or England of a theatrical trust. Other papers have handled the subject, and in particular an interview with Mr David Belasco has appeared, in which he explained and vehemently defended his attitude towards the theatrical trust in the United States.

The two police officers present watched without interference while three sailors brought a ladder from the Belasco Theater in the same block, leaned it against the side of the Cameron House, the Headquarters, climbed up to the second floor balcony, mounted the iron railing and tore down all banners and the American flag.

'Shall th' amusemint industry of th' metropolis suffer from th' incoming of th' millions of educated an' trained fleas of Europe? Shall Shakespere an' Belasco an' Shaw be put out of business by th' pauper flea theayters of Europe? No! says he.

The Woman's Party conference came to a dramatic close during that first week in December with an enormous mass meeting in the Belasco Theatre in Washington.

Belasco had not preferred Mr. David Warfield, Jabez Puffwater might have made an enormous success in "The Return of Peter Grimm" had he but possessed an aptitude for histrionic achievement.