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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Don't don't you dare to step over that log," shouted Bazelhurst. "All right. I see. But, after all, what's the rush?" The other was puzzled for the moment. "I'm practising, sir," he said unsteadily. "How to mount on a run, demmit. Can't you see?" "In case of fire, I imagine. Well, you made excellent time. By the way, what has this envelope to do with it?" "Who are you, sir?" "Shaw. And you?"

You've been practising the running mount until it looks well nigh perfect to me, so I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll step back thirty paces and then you come over and get the watch if you're not afraid of me and I'll promise " "Afraid? Demmit, sir, didn't I say I was Lord Bazelhurst? Of the Guards, sir, and the Seventy-first? Conf "

Bazelhurst Villa looks across the valley and sees Shaw's Cottage commanding the most beautiful view in the hills; the very eaves of her ladyship's house seem to have wrinkled into a constant scowl of annoyance. Shaw's long, low cottage seems to smile back with tantalizing security, serene in its more lofty altitude, in its more gorgeous raiment of nature.

Penelope flushed to the roots of her hair, but suppressed the retort which would have been in keeping with the provocation. "Oh, dear, no!" she replied. "I'm too soft-hearted to be a physician. I saw Mr. Shaw just after the ah the incident." "You shaw Saw I mean you saw Shaw?" gasped Bazelhurst. "She sees him frequently, Cecil. It was not at all unusual that she should have seen him to-day.

She was visiting America for the first time and she was learning rapidly. "Cecil's a good sort, you know, even " but she was loyal enough to send her thoughts into other channels. Nightfall brought half a dozen guests to Bazelhurst Villa. They were fashionable to the point where ennui is the chief characteristic, and they came only for bridge and sleep.

It requires no great stretch of imagination to understand that Lord Bazelhurst had an undesirable neighbor. That neighbor was young Mr. Shaw Randolph Shaw, heir to the Randolph fortune. It may be fair to state that Mr. Shaw also considered himself to be possessed of an odious neighbor.

Something like a smile came into her clouded face as she speculated on Randolph Shaw's method of handling Evelyn Banks had she fallen to him as a wife. The quiet power in that man's face signified the presence of a manhood that ah, and just here it occurred to her that Lady Bazelhurst felt the force of that power even though she never had seen the man.

Her ladyship's temples seemed to narrow with hatred. Bazelhurst had told the men privately that she was passing sleepless nights in order to "hate that fellow Shaw" to her full capacity. "My dear, I have given positive orders to Tompkins and he swears he'll carry them out," said he hastily. "I suppose Tompkins is to throw him into the river again."

Shaw said: 'Well, why don't you throw me in the river? He kinder smiled when he said it. 'I will, says Tompkins, and made a rush for him. I don't just remember why I started in to help Tompkins, but I did. Somehow, sir, Mr. Shaw got " "Don't call him Mr. Shaw. Just Shaw; he's no gentleman," exploded Lord Bazelhurst. "But he told us both to call him 'Mister, sir, as long as we lived.

A moment later her searching eyes caught sight of Shaw's horse tied to a sapling and on Bazelhurst ground, many hundred feet from his own domain. She drew in sharply and looked about in considerable trepidation. Off to the right lay the log that divided the lands, but nowhere along the bank of the river could she see the trespasser.

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