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If we do not keep constantly ahead of our enemies in the development of new weapons, we pay for our backwardness with the life's blood of our sons. The only way to meet these increased needs for new weapons and more of them is for every American engaged in war work to stay on his war job for additional American civilians, men and women, not engaged in essential work, to go out and get a war job.

In some of its minor degrees even, this backwardness not infrequently excites the solicitude of parents. It is sometimes observed in children who had been ill-nourished in infancy or who had been weakened by some serious or protracted illness, even though unattended by any special affection of the brain; but it is also met with independent of any special cause.

The legislation of the rest of the industrial world stands out in striking contrast to our backwardness in this respect.

Highly efficient at the toilet as elsewhere, she required small assistance from Flora, whom she dispatched to tidy up the sitting-room instead. The good little lady was armed cap-a-pie by seven-fifteen, at which time a glance into Carlisle's room revealed much backwardness there, not concealed by the appearances of haste. Hugo would have to wait, that was clear; and just as it was clear, up Mr.

Throughout his journey he felt like a schoolboy on holiday. Everyone the stagecoach driver, the post-house overseers, the peasants on the roads and in the villages had a new significance for him. The presence and remarks of Willarski who continually deplored the ignorance and poverty of Russia and its backwardness compared with Europe only heightened Pierre's pleasure.

There is nothing save his own assertion to show any backwardness on his part to snatch the coveted prize; and that assertion was flatly denied by Davison, and was indeed refuted by every circumstance in the case. It is certain that he had concealed from Davison the previous prohibitions of the Queen.

What I have above stated, together with the report of M. de Keralio, bear evidence of his backwardness in almost every branch of education except mathematics. Neither was it, as Sir Walter affirms, his precocious progress in mathematics that occasioned him to be removed to Paris.

The text of Dante is thus travestied: And by the hair he with despairing look Upheld his head, which cried to me, "Oh woe! Himself is his own inkstand! Thus are two In one tormented." The backwardness of the Russian press, attributed to so many different causes, is really due to one very simple one the want of readers.

Moreover, the sheer weight of their agricultural sectors and the backwardness of their infrastructure can force a reluctant EU to reform its inanely bloated farm and regional aid subsidies, notably the Common Agricultural Policy. That the EU cannot afford to treat the candidates to dollops of subventioary largesse as it does the likes of France, Spain, Portugal, and Greece is indisputable.

Though by this law all the males above a certain age were obliged to marry under a severe penalty, Augustus allowed them the space of a full year to comply with its demands; but such was the backwardness to matrimony, and perversity of the Roman knights, and others, that every possible method was taken to evade the penalty inflicted upon them, and some of them even married children in the cradle for that purpose; thus fulfilling the letter, they avoided the spirit of the law, and though actually married, had no restraint upon their licentiousness, nor any incumbrance by the expense of a family.