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Updated: August 14, 2024

A philosopher who wished to renounce all the vanities of the world, and an Epicurean who would enjoy good cheer cheaply, could find no better retreat than Beziers. Everybody at Beziers is intelligent, all the women are pretty, and the cooks are all artists; the wines are exquisite what more could one desire! May its riches never prove its ruin!

If it came within my scope to speak about Toulouse, I should be constrained to tell more of this sanguinary story. I am thankful that I need not prosecute the hateful tale; but so much it was not possible for me to withhold from the reader, as it is with these memories that Carcassonne and Beziers must be visited and looked at.

"No living thing remained" to tell the awful tale, and yet with time and industry, a new and forgetful Béziers has risen to all its old prestige and many times its former size; the Cathedral alone was left, and its most memorable tale to our day is not that of the abiding peace of the Faith, but that of the terrible travesty of religion of the twenty-second of July, hundreds of years ago.

'Next day Count Richard moved his hosts out of the fields by Poietiers to the very borders of his country, and calling a halt at Saint-Gilles and making snug against alarms, himself, with my lord Gaston of Béarn, with the Dauphin of Auvergne also, and the Viscount of Béziers, crossed the march into Touraine, and so came to Tours about a week before Christmas, the weather being bright and frosty.

Position of Beziers S. Nazaire The Albigenses Their tenets Albigensian "consolation" Crusade against them The storming of Beziers Massacre Cathedral of Beziers Girls' faces in the train Similar faces at Narbonne, in Cathedral and Museum Narbonne a Roman colony All the Roman buildings destroyed Caps of liberty Christian sarcophagi Children's toys of baked clay Cathedral unfinished Archiepiscopal Palace Unsatisfactory work of M. Viollet-le-Duc In trouble with the police Taken for a German spy My sketch-book gets me off.

She could not, unfortunately, enter Beziers, and it was there that the arrangements were concluded. He bound himself to take no interest "in him or those who had connected themselves with him on these occasions for their own purposes, and he would not complain should the king make them suffer what they had deserved."

What a picture! Had Jasmin lived in the time of St. Vincent de Paul, the saint would have embraced him a thousand times, and rejoiced to see himself in one way surpassed; for in pleading for the poor, he also helped the rich by celebrating the great deeds of their ancestors, as he did at Beziers, Riquet, Albi, Lafeyrouse, and other places.

In 1447 he received from Charles VII. a still more important commission, to bring about an arrangement between the two popes elected, one under the name of Felix V., and the other under that of Nicholas V.; and he was successful. His immense wealth greatly contributed to his influence. He possessed, besides, four mansions and two hostels at Lyons; mansions at Beaucaire, at Beziers, at St.

When they sat down before Beziers, then the Catholics within the walls made common cause with the heretics, and refused to surrender.

Philip had won over Raymond of Toulouse, Saint-Pol heading a joint-army of theirs was near Marseilles, ready to destroy him. King Richard was to walk into a trap. By this time, you must know, he had no more to his power than the galley he rode in, and three others. He had no Des Barres, no Gaston, no Béziers; he had not even Mercadet his captain, and no thought where they might be.

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