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Updated: August 5, 2024

Even the simplest things railroads tell everybody about themselves are hard for me to understand time-tables for instance; and why should a man who is always innocently taking Sunday trains on Monday afternoon be called on to butt in on an expert auditor's job in this way, beat his Congressman on the head with the poor penitent railroads with all the details about their poor insides and with all their back bills and things?

To complete the sweet melody, a merry-andrew habited a la sauvage, "struts his hour" on a place about six feet in length, and performs a thousand ridiculous antics, at the same time flogging and beating alternately a large drum, the thunder-like sound of which is almost loud enough to give every auditor's brain a momentary concussion.

They were always accompanied by a lot of questions about passages and purposes in my books, which the Club wanted answered; and additionally accompanied every quarter by the Treasurer's report, and the Auditor's report, and the Committee's report, and the President's review, and my opinion of these was always desired; also suggestions for the good of the Club, if any occurred to me.

No longer on the company's schedule was Needley a flag station it was a regular stop, and its passenger traffic returns were benign and pleasing things in the auditor's office.

'Where? he inquired, and I answered: 'Thou knowest I regard the Princess Irene as my little mother. I should like to go see her." Sergius sought his auditor's face at this, and observing no sign of objection to the familiarity, was greatly strengthened.

The auditor's office is worth some 5000 dollars a year, and I am in for it like a thousand of brick. To shew my goodness of heart, I'll make this offer to my competitor.

Ryder paused for a moment, to let this information sink into his auditor's mind; then, fixing his gaze upon him narrowly, he continued: "What I wished to see you about, Mr. Montague, was to make you a proposal to assist us in putting through this project. We should like you, in the first place, to act as our representative, in consultation with our regular attorneys.

"None other has been there," added Ebbo, perceiving his auditor's interest; "but he saw the eagle flying away with a poor widow's kid, and the sight must have given him wings, for we never could find the same path; but here is one of the feathers he brought down" taking off his cap so as to show a feather rather the worse for wear, and sheltered behind a fresher one.

"Yes very very much," was Rosamond's answer; and the lady continued, "And Mrs. Browning? Do you like her, too?" "There is no Mrs. Browning," returned Rosamond, adding, quickly, as she saw in her auditor's face an expression she did not understand, "but it is perfectly proper I should live there, for Mrs. Peters, the housekeeper, has charge of me."

Thence calling Smith, the Auditor's clerk at the Temple, I by the Exchange home, and there looked over my Tangier accounts with him, and so to dinner, and then set him down again by a hackney, my coachman being this day about breaking of my horses to the coach, they having never yet drawn.

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