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My mother may bring me to birth, but it is I who am born, and no me else." "Thus no one is saved by the faith of another, but solely by his own faith." The treatise is found in Weimar Ed., II, 724-737; Erlangen Ed., XXI, 229-244; St. Louis Ed., X, 2113-2116; Clemen and Leitzmann, Luthers Werke, I, , 185-195. Mount Airy, Philadelphia. Erl. Ed., op. var. arg., III, 394-410. Erl. Ed., XXVI, 256-294.

See the opening paragraph of this treatise. Erl. Ed., XI, 166, XXIX, 352-359. Babylonian Captivity, Erl. Ed., op. var. arg., V, 82. Cf. Augsburg Confession, Art. Sermon vom Sacrament der Busse, Erl. Ed., XX, 190. For definition of "mortal and venial," see Introduction to XCV Theses, above, p. 19. See Vol. II. of this edition.

Should ruling elders here be meant, then deacons that obey, should be preferred before the elders that rule. Ans. Priority of order is no infallible argument of priority of worth and dignity; as is evidenced in answer to the third exception against Arg.

These are almost the words of the public confessional prayer in the Kirchenbuch of the General Council of the Lutheran Church in America: "Also dans alle meine Natur und Wesensträflich und verdammlich ist." Erl. Ed., op. var. arg., IV, 89 aq. "Si enim suum malum sentiret, infernum sentiret, nam infernum in se ipso habet." See this volume, p. 115f. Erl. Ed., op. ex. lat., XIX, 1-154. Erl. Ed.

Polecrab took them from it. He proceeded to cut off the heads and tails with a sharp-edged stone which he picked up; these he threw to the arg, which devoured them without any fuss. Polecrab beckoned to Maskull to follow him and, carrying the fish, walked toward the open shore, by the same way that he had come.

Arg. in l. si major. c. commun. divid. et de cons. di. 1. c. solemnitates, et ibi gl.

Arg. 2. Is urged from the words themselves, which are, 'Receive him that is weak in the faith'; wherein the Lord puts NO limitation in this text or in any other; and who is he then that can restrain it, unless he will limit the Holy One of Israel?

"The raft's all crazy," he remarked, staring at it. "If you go far out in that, you've got more pluck than I have." "I've been to Matterplay on it," said Polecrab. The arg reappeared and started swimming to shore, but this time clumsily, as if it were bearing a heavy weight under the surface. When it landed at its master's feet, they saw that each set of claws was clutching a fish six in all.

No period in English history was so notorious for the publication of immoral books, calculated to debauch the mind, as the reign of Charles II. It must have been more painfully conspicuous to Bunyan, who had lived under the moral discipline of the Commonwealth. Ed. : From chief, 'my worthy arch and patron. King Lear; or from the Teutonic 'arg, a rogue.

It swam gracefully to the middle of the creek and made a pivotal dive beneath the surface, where it remained a great while. "Simple fishing," remarked Maskull. "But what's the raft for?" "To go to sea with. The best fish are out at sea. These are eatable." "That arg seems a highly intelligent creature." Polecrab grunted again. "I've trained close on a hundred of them.