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Updated: August 3, 2024

She also had on board a passenger, Nunez by name, and a tall negro, who doubtless could turn his hand to some sort of work on board, and whom it would have been very indiscreet to leave behind. Once outside the harbor, the Arato changed her mind about going to Callao, and sailed southward.

Leaving the Miranda on the beach, with nothing in her of much value, the Arato, which had cleared for Callao, and afterwards set out on a wild piratical cruise, now made a third start, and set sail for a voyage to France. They had good weather and tolerably fair winds, and before they entered the Straits of Magellan the captain had formulated a plan for the disposition of Garta.

"Well," was the reply, "we might take along a dozen good fellows, and as the Miranda has only three men on board, I don't count negroes worth anything, I don't see why we couldn't induce the captain to talk reasonably to us. As for a vessel, there's the Arato." "Your vessel?" said the other. "Yes, I own a small share in her, and she's here in port now, waiting for a cargo."

But, on a shout from one of them to look out for themselves, every man dropped flat upon the beach, behind a low bank of sand scarcely a foot high. This was not much protection, but it was better than standing up as marks for the rifles behind the barrier. The men from the Arato were very much surprised by what had happened. They had expected to have an easy job with the crew of the Miranda.

Take a peece of wax crossed in baptisme, and doo but print certeine floures therein, and tie them in the hinder skirt of your shirt; and when you would undoo the locke, blow thrice therein, saieing, 'Arato hoc partico hoc maratarykin; I open this doore in thy name that I am forced to breake, as thou brakest hell gates. In nomine patris etc.

"That remains to be calculated," replied Cardatas. Then the two went to work to calculate, and spent an hour or two at it. When they parted, Nunez had not made up his mind that the plan of Cardatas was a good one, but he told him to go ahead and see what could be done about getting the Arato and a reliable crew, and that he would talk further to him about the matter.

"I forget what sort of a craft she is," said Nunez. "She's a schooner," said the other, "and she can sail two miles to the Miranda's one in any kind of weather. If I had money enough, I could get the Arato, put a good crew on board, and be at sea and on the wake of that brig in twenty-four hours." "And how much money would be needed?" asked the other.

"Forty million dollars!" she exclaimed. "I thought you said you would only have twenty per cent.?" "That is just what it is," remarked the captain, "as nearly as we can calculate. Forty million dollars is about one fifth of the value of the cargo I brought to France in the Arato. And as to your share, Mrs.

It was a relief to get rid of the prisoner, and the only harm which could come of his disappearance was that he might report that his ship had been stolen by the men who were sailing her, and that some sort of a vessel might be sent in pursuit of the Arato, and, if this should be the case, the situation would be awkward.

The captain had made Shirley and Burke his agents through whom he would distribute to the heirs of the crew of the Castor their share of the treasure which had been apportioned to them, and the two sailors had already gone to America upon this mission. How to dispose of the Arato had been a difficult question, upon which the captain had taken legal advice.

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