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'Capon will have a savour like sawdust, and young goat like the dust of the road, the magister moaned. 'Give me the girl to wait upon me again. 'No maid will wait upon thee, she answered. 'Even thou thyself? he asked. He glanced across his shoulder and his eyes measured her, hers him. She had large shoulders, a high, full stomacher, and her cheeks were an apple-red.

'Ca, c'est l'amour! she said to herself, 'assurément c'est l'amour! And when Pamela came down again, radiant as a young seraph, and ready to kiss the apple-red cheek of the Frenchwoman the rarest concession! Madame Guérin did not need to be told that Arthur Chicksands was safe and likely to be sound. But the Frenchwoman's inference was premature.

"What do you want?" asked the lady of the eyes; a small, plump person with grey hair brushed back very straight from an apple-red face. "I want a room," Joan explained. "I have been recommended to come here. I do hope you have one to spare." The little lady moved aside and beckoned to the cabman. "You can come in," she said, "and the man had better fetch in your box.

A second child a girl was taken ill in the Brownings' house, and could not be moved from where she lay in a room below their apartment. Mrs Browning was in a panic for her own boy, though his apple-red cheeks spoke of health.

Satchell entered, full of pomp and apple-red with pleasure, followed by Shard bearing a tray of glasses, and by pretty, dimpling Tiffany bearing a goodly flagon of wine and observing with demure approbation the covey of King's gentlemen. Mistress Satchell swam like a gall on towards the Cavaliers, her great, red, spoon-shaped face damp with satisfaction.

"It's no' exactly a note," said he, contracting his brows above the document. Not for the first time Annapla regretted her inability to read, as she craned over his shoulder to see what evidently created much astonishment in her future lord. "Weel, that bates a'!" he cried when he had finished, and he turned, visibly flushing, even through his apple-red complexion, to see Annapla at his shoulder.

It was a clear, blue-and-white day, with clouds scudding across the sky, and a cold, whistling wind that blew the fallen leaves along the dry roads a day that made people walk smartly and gave the children apple-red cheeks and tangled curls. Mhor and Peter were seated on The Rigs garden wall as Pamela and Jean came out of Hillview gate.

But the forbidden thing was already tasted, and possible danger in its full acquisition only served to make it more precious-sweet. Bell sat upright in her chair, gazing into the fire. Her milk-white linen mob-cap fringed round and softened her face, from which the usual apple-red was banished by illness, and the features, from the same cause, rendered more prominent and stern.

She slipped out under the apple-red sky, through the streets where the shadows of the houses lay black as lacquer. Before the locked gates of the garage the brigadier lounged smoking his little, dry cigarettes. "We are on fire," he said, pointing up the street at the mountain. "What an evening!" "Yes, and my last!" she said. "Oh, may I have the key of the garage?" "But you've given up the car."

The men were tall, with great bold, good-natured eyes and apple-red cheeks, to which their indigo blouses gave full value. The women were of gentle mien, with soft glances; and the children were even more attractive than their elders.