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Updated: August 26, 2024

The sun had set behind the mountains, and the rich plain of Athens was suffused with the violet glow of a Grecian eye. A light breeze rose; the olive-groves awoke from their noonday trance, and rustled with returning animation, and the pennons of the Turkish squadron, that lay at anchor in the harbour of Piræus, twinkled in the lively air.

Huntley she must have seen me already, as I stood with Mr. Musgrave on the edge of the wood, exchanging our last bitter words. It is impossible that she could have helped it; but even had it been possible had there been any doubt on the subject, that doubt would be removed by the unusual animation of her attitude, and the interest in her eyes, that I have time to notice, as she rolls past me.

But the change of expression visible there in every countenance no language can portray. Only twenty hours ago, and all was life and animation; wherever you went you were enlivened by the sound of merriment and raillery; whilst the expected attack was mentioned in terms indicative not only of sanguine hope, but, of the most perfect confidence as to its result.

"Reconstruction," said the little man, puffing a big cloud from his cigar, "reconstruction." "What kind of reconstruction?" "All kinds financial, industrial, political, social. It's great stuff. By the way," he continued with great animation, "would you like to be my Minister of Labour? No? Well, I'm sorry. I half hoped you would. We're having no luck with them.

They were images of himself all "waiting images" of himself. Therefore the answer lay in the question: "What had he been waiting for?" The newspaper reporter bit into his pencil. "Nothing, nothing," he muttered. "Yes, that's it. They aren't waiting for anything. That's the secret. Life is a few years of suspended animation. But there's no story in that. Better forget it."

A few pale blue wreaths of wood smoke were rising straight up into the clear morning air here and there over the roofs of the houses, showing that the early cup of chocolate was already in course of preparation for the luxury-loving Panamans, or possibly it might indicate that the working portion of the population were preparing their breakfast; and, peering through his perspective glass, George could see that the quay was already the scene of a considerable amount of animation.

"Sit down at the table," Tatyana invited her. At supper, Pyotr, who had been subdued by the talk of the mother and appeared to be at a loss, began to speak again with animation: "Mother, you ought to get out of here as soon as possible, to escape notice. Go to the next station, not to the city hire the post horses." "Why? I'm going to see her off!" said Stepan. "You mustn't.

There was such an interest, such an animation, such a spirit diffused. Everybody felt it. We were all alive. There was employment, hope, solicitude, bustle, for every hour of the day. Always some little objection, some little doubt, some little anxiety to be got over. I never was happier."

It is much to be regretted that this passage, so fine in the original, is liable to one great objection it has no interest as connected with the play, because the audience know that Orestes is not dead; and though the description of the race retains its animation, the report of the catastrophe loses the terror of reality, and appears but a highly-coloured and elaborate falsehood.

"So far as I am concerned, yes: on the condition that no attempt be made to withdraw the writer from the house." "Certainly not, certainly not; quite the contrary," exclaimed Mr. Compton, with genuine animation. "Say I will call in half an hour."

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