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"These two unfortunate children, it seems, had made a raft in a playful mude, an embarkin on it they had been amoosin theirselves with paddlin about by pushin it with poles. At length they came to a pint where poles were useless; the tide got holt of the raft, an the ferrail structoor was speedily swept onward by the foorus current. Very well.

"Time was when they did use to thrash a new-married couple to bed," said Mr. Trevennick. "'Twas an amoosin' carcumstance an' I've 'elped at many, but them good auld doin's is dyin' out fast." Mrs. Tregenza was discussing the bridegroom's family. "He be a poor Billy-be-damned sort o' feller, I've allus heard, an' awnly a common tinner, though his faither were a grass cap'n at Levant Mine."

You axe me, sir, to sling sum ink for your paper in regards to the new Irish dramy at Niblo's Garding. I will do it, sir. I knew your grandfather well, sir. Sum 16 years ago, while I was amoosin and instructin the intellectoal peple of Cape Cod with my justly pop'lar Show, I saw your grandfather. He was then between 96 years of age, but his mind was very clear.

"He was amoosin' himself by pitchin' into me," replied Dick. "What for?" "He didn't like it 'cause I patronized a different tailor from him." "Well, it seems to me you are dressed pretty smart for a boot-black," said the policeman. "I wish I wasn't a boot-black," said Dick. "Never mind, my lad. It's an honest business," said the policeman, who was a sensible man and a worthy citizen.

Hockins did not reply, but, slowly and tenderly, drew forth not a quid, but a little piece of brown wood about five or six inches long. "A penny whistle!" exclaimed Mark. "Speak with reverence, Doctor," returned the sailor, with a quiet smile, "it ain't a penny whistle, it's a flageolet. I stuck it here the last time I was amoosin' the crew o' the Eastern Star an' forgot I hadn't putt it away.

"I've half a mind to buy it," continued the Captain, looking round with a satisfied smile. "It would be an amoosin' sort o' thing, now, to bring old Mrs Roby here. The air would be fresher for her old lungs, wouldn't it?" Gillie nodded, but was otherwise reticent.

Then Douglas and Meyer ought to stick to us, 'cause we have for so long stuck to them, an' they ought to stick to one another 'cause they're mootooally fond o' misty-physical jabberin' on religious subjects, which is greatly to our edification, seein' that we don't onderstand it, and finds it highly amoosin' while we smoke our pipes after a hard day's work, d'ye see?

"Thee meanth Couthin Dick. He'th got Krithmath." "Where's your mother?" "Dead." "And your father?" "In orthpittal." There was a laugh somewhere on the outskirts of the crowd. Every one faced angrily in that direction, but the laugher had disappeared. Yuba Bill, however, sent his voice after him. "Yes, in hospital! Funny, ain't it? amoosin' place! Try it.

"Wa-al," said the farmer, smiling, "I d'no ez 't' hes so to speak a hist'ry, an' yit there's allays somethin' amoosin' to me about that platter. My father was a sea-farin' man most o' his life, an' only came to the farm late in life, 'count of his older brother dyin', as owned it.

"But am dootin' ye're a fell billy wi' the lasses." "Ay, oh, I d'na kin; moderate, moderate," said Sam'l, in high delight. "I saw ye," said Eppie, speaking with a wire in her mouth, "gaein' on terr'ble wi' Mysy Haggart at the pump last Saturday." "We was juist amoosin' oorsel's," said Sam'l. "It'll be nae amoosement to Mysy," said Eppie, "gin ye brak her heart."