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Still, though we were skirting the shore of the island of Schouwen, it was as if it ducked its head rather than submit to the ignominy of being seen by strangers. It was just as Alb said, "Zeeland was witch-like, illusive, with the power of making herself invisible."

"The abbot, in his alb arrayed," stood at the altar in the abbey-chapel of Rubygill, with all his plump, sleek, rosy friars, in goodly lines disposed, to solemnise the nuptials of the beautiful Matilda Fitzwater, daughter of the Baron of Arlingford, with the noble Robert Fitz-Ooth, Earl of Locksley and Huntingdon.

Let's have the truth, now. Wasn't he hitting you?" "He, he, he!" giggled the old man, torn by the desire of self-preservation on one side and, let us hope, by a wish for justice on the other. "He warn't hittin' of me. He's my son, he is.... 'Alb is.... We were just having " "There! get out of this," said the policeman, releasing Frank with a shove. "We don't want your sort here.

"Lois it is Lois?" he said. The girl looked swiftly up and down the street before she answered him. He thought her very pale and careworn. He could see that her hands were trembling while she spoke. "Go down to the river and ask for Herr Petermann," she said almost in a whisper. "I dare not speak to you here, Alb dear.

"My dear friend," said he, "you hear confessions this evening, do you not?" "Most certainly. Are you well this morning? I had a good congregation at mass." Having said this, I finished my thanksgiving, put my alb into the wardrobe, and, offering a pinch to the rector, added cheerily: "This is not breaking the fast, is it?" "Ha! ha! no, no, no!

We tore round the place in the fastest cab to be got, I having bribed the driver not to spare his horse; yet it was at Alb the girls looked reproachfully, when they were allowed but three minutes in the largest market-place of Holland, five for St.

"What's the luck, Alb, dear why do you look like that?" Little Lois asked the question, struck by his odd manner and appearance. He answered her with surprising candor for the sudden determination came to him that he must tell Lois. "No luck at all, Lois." "Why, you don't mean ?" "I do, and that's straight. There is no further need of my services " "You've got the sack?"

Having already given an account not only of low mass, but also of the additional ceremonies of high mass, as celebrated in the papal chapel, we shall here mention those only which are peculiar to palm-sunday. The affecting account of His sufferings and death is then sung by three priests belonging to the pontifical choir, and habited as deacons in alb and stole.

Wouldn't I be selling mine cheap to-night if anyone came along and offered me five pounds for it wouldn't I say 'take it' and jolly glad to get the money. Why, Lois, dear, think what we would do with five pounds." "Go to Southend for Easter, Alb." "Buy you a pretty ring and take you to the Crystal Palace." "Drive a pony to Epping, Alb, and come back in the moonlight."

The white robes of modern priests are remnants of the same old faith; the more gorgeous vestments are the ancient garb of the priests officiating in the temple of female deities; the stole is the characteristic of woman's dress; the pallium is the emblem of the yoni; the alb is the chemise; the oval or circular chasuble is again the yoni; the Christian mitre is the high cap of the Egyptian priests, and its peculiar shape is simply the open mouth of the fish, the female emblem.