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"Rin, Geordie, rin to the boat, mak' sure of the boat, man rin!" he cries, "or yon solan'll have it awa'," says he. The fower lads stared at ither, an' tried to whilly-wha him to be quiet. But naething would satisfy Tam Dale, till ane o' them had startit on aheid to stand sentry on the boat. The ithers askit if he was for down again.

It's wonnerfu' the common sense o' bairns. Gin ye wad jist lat the Lord instruck them! I doobt we mak ower little o' them. Nae doobt they're born in sin, and brocht farth in iniquity; but gin they repent ear', they win far aheid o' the auld fowk." Thomas's sufferings had made him more gentle and more sure of Annie's election. He was one on whom affliction was not thrown away.

She rose in haste, mechanically drying her hands in her apron. "How's the algebra getting on, Agnes?" he said. "Naething's gettin' on verra weel sin' maister Cosmo gaed frae the schuil, sir. I dinna seem to hae the hert for the learnin' 'at I had sae lang as he was there, sae far aheid o' me, but no a'thegither oot 'o my sicht, like.

But naething would satisfy Tam Dale, till ane o' them had startit on aheid to stand sentry on the boat. The ithers askit if he was for down again. "Na," says he, "and neither you nor me," says he, "and as sune as I can win to stand on my twa feet we'll be aff frae this craig o' Sawtan."

"Ay!" she concluded, and thereafter sank into smouldering silence, "there was a futpath there afore ye was born, laird, blast or no blast; an' to that I can fess them 'at can beir testimony, ane o' them bein' nane ither nor Jeames Gracie himsel', wha's ten lang years aheid o' yer lairdship! an' lat me see man or dog 'at 'll haud me ohn taen my wull o' my richts intil't!

"Rin, Geordie, rin to the boat, mak' sure of the boat, man rin!" he cries, "or yon solan 'll have it awa'," says he. The fower lads stared at ither, an' tried to whilly-wha him to be quiet. But naething, would satisfy Tam Dale, till ane o' them had startit on aheid to stand sentry on the boat. The ithers askit if he was for down again.

"Hoo wan he in than? They say ye're unco' particular. The Elec sud ken an elec." "It's the siller, man, that blin's the een o' them that hae to sit in jeedgment upo' the applicants. The crater professed, and they war jist ower willin' to believe him." "Weel, gin that be the case, I dinna see that ye're sae far aheid o' fowk that disna mak' sae mony pretensions."

'Bless me, Miss Naper! said Robert, 'what hae I dune to set ye at me that gait? Faith, I dinna ken what ye mean. 'Nae mair do I, laddie. I hae naething against ye whatever. Only ye see auld fowk luiks aheid, an' wad fain be as sure o' what's to come as o' what's gane. 'Ye maun bide for that, I doobt, said Robert. 'Laddie, retorted Miss Napier, 'ye hae mair sense nor ye hae ony richt till.