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And suddenly flushing crimson, he would say to her rapidly: "Bow to that old lady!" "But I don't know her." "No matter. That's the wife of the director of the local treasury! Bow, I tell you," he would grumble insistently. "Your head won't drop off." Anna bowed and her head certainly did not drop off, but it was agonizing.

He must pass through the ordeal of the Cassine, or black drink. This was a concoction prepared by the medicine-men, of roots and leaves, from a recipe the secret of which was most jealously guarded by them; and to drink of it was to subject one's self to the most agonizing pains, which, however, were but of short duration.

During the last five or six years of her life she was afflicted with an incurable and agonizing malady. Under most painful conditions she toiled unceasingly, moving rapidly from place to place, and passing days and nights in railway journeys.

He did not get up all through the Christmas holidays; he still had an agonizing cough, and it was in this enforced idleness that he thought out his play "The Cherry Orchard." It is quite possible that if Chekhov had taken care of himself his disease would not have developed so rapidly or proved fatal.

Then, as he continued to press hastily forward, he once more caught the beseeching cry. It had an agonizing strain to it, and Hugh could plainly make out the words: "Help! Oh! help! help!" Someone was evidently in trouble, Hugh decided, accelerating his pace as well as the conditions of the rough surface of the ground permitted.

Upon such agonizing thoughts as these came Katie's question, "Why are you so sad?" Harry sighed. "I'm thinking of Ashby," said he. "He's free now. He'll soon be seeking you." At this Katie tapped her foot nervously. "Well," said she, "if you are thinking of him it's very bad taste to say so. I wasn't thinking of him at all."

As she sat there in the purple darkness she looked like a victim; and for a moment she thought of herself as a victim. Even that man in the pavilion who was agonizing had said to her that she looked "punished." She had been surprised, almost startled, by his flash of discernment.

Sara waited waited with an intensity of longing that was well-nigh unendurable for either the indignant denial or the easy, mirthful scorn wherewith an innocent man might be expected to answer such a charge. But there came neither of these. Only silence an endless, agonizing silence, while Garth stood utterly motionless, looking at her, his face slowly greying.

The thing last rumoured about her mother in the parish was that she had become an actress. To this Zoe made no protest in her mind. It was better than many other possibilities, and she fixed her mind on it, so saving herself from other agonizing speculations. In a fixed imagination lay safety. In her soul she knew that, no matter what happened, her mother would never return to the Manor Cartier.

The subject had been occupying her sleeping and waking hours for some time, and it was only after a long and agonizing struggle that she persuaded herself to take the step. In order to show how very serious a question this had been with the women, it will be necessary to go into a somewhat detailed account of this first movement toward dress reform.