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Santerre, the brewer and agitator of the faubourgs, alone led a band of 2000 pikes. The people's indignation began to prevail over their terror, and showed itself in satirical outcries and injurious actions against royalty. On the Place de la Grève, the bust of Louis XVI., placed beneath the fatal lantern, that had been the instrument of the first crimes of the Revolution, was mutilated.

You see how important it is, how much trouble an agitator might make by getting them stirred up? You can see what it means to me, with this order on my hands. I've staked everything on it." "But when the law goes into effect? when the operatives find out that they are not receiving their full wages as Mr. Holster said?" Janet inquired.

"It has always been the martyrs who have made a cause. I am willin' to be one. I'd be a thraitor if I passed my life without lifting my voice and my hands against my people's oppressors." "Ye're throwin' yer life away, Frank O'Connell." "I wouldn't be the first and I won't be the last" "Nothing will move ye?" cried the priest. "One thing only," replied the agitator. "And what is that?"

It is the professional agitator, the parasite who will speak for or against a principle according to the economic advantage which one side or the other may offer. You may hold that such a man is not altogether undesirable, provided he can "organize" and persuade people that the society is worthy of support.

The pulp is next taken from the beater or refining engine, as the case may be, to what is called a "stuff-chest," an inclosed vat partly filled with water, in which a contrivance for shaking and shifting, properly called an "agitator," keeps the fibers in suspension. From the stuff-chest the mixture is pumped into what is known as the "mixing" or "regulating" box.

It flashed through her mind that crowning joy of all joys would be to have his child in her arms, to rear a little agitator to carry on his father's fight when Ned himself was gone for ever. Then she stamped her foot in self-contempt and walked resolutely to her door.

In normal times the monomaniac's designs would never have reached fruition. Now the vast public discontents converted the cringing ex-tenant or shrieking beggar into a gaunt, long-haired, ferocious agitator one of the outstanding crazy figures of Great Crises!

Pelle was naturally placed in the front ranks of the organization; his work was properly that of the pioneer and agitator; no one possessed the ear of the crowd as he did. He had received regular employment from one of the larger employers, which amounted to a recognition of the organization, and the increased rate of wages meant that he earned a moderate income.

"Yes, a row over some imagined grievance on the railway, and all the men in all the factories to strike that's the new game of the modern labour agitator! Marchand has been travelling in France," he added disdainfully, "but he has brought his goods to the wrong shop. What do the priests what does Monseigneur Lourde say to it all?" "I am not a Catholic," she replied gravely.

He was in the hands of Samuel Adams, and his infamy was one with this man who was a professional agitator, and who had nothing to lose. General Gage had made an offer of pardon to all all, save two men: Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Back into the fold tumbled the Tories, but against John Hancock the gates were barred.