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Prose too dropped everywhere its grandeur with its obscurity; and became the same quick, clear instrument of thought in the hands of Addison as in those of Voltaire. How strongly this had become the bent of English letters was seen in the instance of Dryden.

"We might as well take it easy," Addison said. "If Halse is at Boundary Camp, he will not leave in such weather as this." All that forenoon it snowed steadily, and in fact for most of the afternoon. More than a foot of snow had come. We opened the front of our snow-coated den, kindled a fire there, and after dressing our partridge broiled it over the embers.

The best are those which get right away into the broad fields of literature and philosophy. Johnson, Walpole, Madame D'Arblay, Addison, and the two great Indian ones, Clive and Warren Hastings, are my own favourites. Frederick the Great, too, must surely stand in the first rank. Only one would I wish to eliminate. It is the diabolically clever criticism upon Montgomery.

Finally, while I listened in ever growing wonder, fascinated by the extent of this strange woman's knowledge and in part, too, by the husky music of her voice, she seemed to become conscious of the passage of time and, rising suddenly, she laughed; and her laughter again awakened a memory. "How perfectly absurd of me, Mr. Addison!" she said.

A large edifice of brick, which, if I remember, stood next to the palace, I took to be the residence of the second dignitary of the cathedral; and in that case it must have been the youthful home of Addison, whose father was Dean of Lichfield.

If you're expecting me to help you unload a lot of bum oil stock on Miss Alix Crown you're barking up the wrong tree, I don't give a cuss if you are my own sister's son. Miss Crown is my " The young man held up his hand, and favoured his uncle with a tolerant smile. "I'm not asking your help, old chap. I've got a letter to her from Mr. Addison Blythe, one of our biggest stockholders.

Our history becomes very bright again with the intellectual and literary riches of a much later period, often denominated a golden age, that which was illustrated by the talents of Addison, Pope, Swift, and their numerous secondaries in fame; and could also boast its philosophers, statesmen, and heroes.

"This: a sort of small howitzer I think of Krupp's manufacture, but you would be better able to judge than I is mounted on the platform of the tower! I examined it, Mr. Addison, last night, and like a fool concluded that it had been used at some time for a local celebration and never dismounted!

'in the neighing of an horse, or in the growling of a mastiff, there is a meaning, there is as lively expression, and, may I say, more humanity than many times in the tragical flights of Shakespeare. Addison, with a genius of his own helped to free movement by the sympathies of Steele, did break through the cobwebs of the critics; but he carried off a little of their web upon his wings.

During his later years he never knew a really cheerful day; and, at last, he was forced to flee before his outraged people, and took refuge in a miserable hut, trembling like a base coward, where, at his own request, a slave did him the favor to end his miserable life. In one of his famous essays, Addison says, "I have always preferred cheerfulness to mirth.