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"Tuesday, Jan. 30. Slept eight hours; weighed 188 pounds, same as the night before; feeling good. 5.30 P. M., weighed 185-1/2 pounds. "Wednesday, Jan. 31. Slept 7-1/2 hours, drank one and one-half glasses of water; weighed at 8.25 A. M. 187 pounds; Dr. Carpenter found temperature 98° F., and pulse 88; Professor Doremus called a little later; weighed 184-1/2 pounds. "Thursday, Feb. 1.

Sugar 1/6 18 9 3 galls. and 3 quarts of Beer @ 1/ pr. gall 3 9 10 Bowls of Punch @ 2/6 each 1 5 0 9 half pints of rum @ 7-1/2 d. each 5 7-1/2 1 pint of wine 1 6 After the election was over, Washington wrote Wood that "I hope no Exception was taken to any that voted against me, but that all were alike treated, and all had enough. My only fear is that you spent with too sparing a hand."

In the Delta, at least, the sizes of bricks from the Twenty-first Dynasty down to Arab times decrease very regularly; under the Twenty-first Dynasty they are about 18 x 9 x 5 inches; early in the Twenty-sixth, 16-1/2 x 8-1/4 x 5; later 15 x 7-1/2; in early Ptolemaic times, 14 x 7; in Roman times, 12 x 6, in Byzantine times, 10 x 5; and Arab bricks are 8 x 4, and continue so very generally to our times.

One should add, however, that the Irish House of Lords protested that the relative taxable capacities of Ireland and England did not bear to each other the ratio which the Act enunciated of 1 to 7-1/2, but in reality of 1 to 18. It was no part of Pitt's scheme that there should be fiscal union.

About three-quarters of the way from Tumento to Apankru is a hill rich in outcrops of quartz. I believe it to be French property. These rises and falls led over 7-1/2 direct geographical miles, usually done in three hours, to Apankru, a second 'great central Depôt. The village lies on the right bank of the Abonsá River, here some forty feet high.

The road to Sharpsburg was here taken, and at 7-1/2 A. M., having marched during that night twenty-eight miles, the Division stood at arms near the battle-ground along a road crowded with ammunition trains. Inquiry was made as to the ammunition, and the number of rounds for each man ordered to be increased immediately from forty to sixty.

Taking the friction of the train at 7-1/2 lbs. per ton, or 825 lbs. operating at the circumference of the driving wheel which, with 5 ft. 6 in. wheels, and 18 in. stroke, is equivalent to 4,757 lbs. upon the piston and taking the resistance of the blast pipe at 6 lbs. per square inch of the pistons, and the friction of the engine unloaded at 1 lb. per square inch, which, with pistons 12 in. in diameter, amount together to 1,582 lbs., and reckoning the increased friction of the engine due to the load at 1/7th of the load, as in some cases it has been found experimentally to be, though a much less proportion than this would probably be a nearer average, we have 7018.4 lbs. for the total load upon the pistons.

The next morning's march took them 7-1/2 miles nearer and their noon sight showed them in Lat. 89° 42' S.; and feeling that the following day would see them at the Pole they started off after lunch in the best of spirits. Then, after advancing for an hour or so, Bowers' sharp eyes detected what he thought was a cairn, but although he was uneasy about it he argued that it must be a sastrugus.

GLENMUTCHKIN RAIL., £1 paid, 1-1/8 | 2-1/4 | 4-3/8 | 7-1/2 | 10-3/4 | 15-3/8 | 17, and Monday was the day of delivery.

If we make the container 7-1/16 inches square inside, in plan, every inch it rises will represent approximately 50 cubic inches of air blown in; and a height of 7 inches, by allowing for 325 cubic inches, with a minimum immersion of half an inch, should suffice even for unusually capacious lungs. The outside box need not be more than 8 inches all ways.