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The upper board, resting on these edges, is some 19 inches long by 13 inches broad at the lower end, and 10 inches broad at the upper end. It is here that a groove is cut, and, 7-1/2 inches from the broad end of the board, two pointed grooves are also cut, which allow the board to rest nicely upon the knife-edges of the two pegs below it.

"Oh, are you," said Grace, putting away some 7-1/2 gloves into the 6-3/4 box. "Well, it's me for red. You see more red on Fifth avenue. And the men all seem to like it." "I like purple best," said Maida. "And old Schlegel has promised to make it for $8. It's going to be lovely.

I may remind the reader that 5 cwt. of parchment takes from the soil 1 lb. of lime and 1-1/2 lb. of phosphoric acid. Fish manure is of great value, especially in bringing rapidly on backward or sticky coffee. A sample I have had analyzed contained 7-1/3 per cent. of ammonia and nearly 9-1/2 per cent. of phosphate of lime.

He reverences Jones because he takes 7-1/2; he dismisses Smith as of no account because he only takes 6-3/4. In some degree, we all have this restricted professional vision. The tailor runs his eye over your clothes and reckons you up according to the cut of your garments and the degree of shininess they display.

Boots, 20s.; men's shoes, 6s.; women's do., 5s.; men's pumps, 8s.; mittens, 1s. 6d. hose, 4s.; beaver hat, 20s.; black silk handkerchief, 6s. 9d.; check handkerchief, 2s. 6d.;. broadcloth, 10s pr. yd.; red stroud, 8s. per yd.; scarlet German serge, 8s. per yd.; scarlet shalloon, 3s. 9d. per yd.; English duck, 1s. 9d. pr. yd.; white blanket, 13s. 3d.; 1 oz. thread, 6d.; 1 doz. jacket buttons, 7-1/2d.; pins, 1 M., 9d.

Measurements were tabulated on nearly 50 of these at all angles from zero to 45 degrees at intervals of 2-1/2 degrees. Measurements were also secured showing the effects on each other when surfaces are superposed, or when they follow one another. Some strange results were obtained. One surface, with a heavy roll at the front edge, showed the same lift for all angles from 7-1/2 to 45 degrees.

This score came as the result of a long field goal by James Duffy, '92l, who three years previously had won the first Varsity medal for breaking an inter-collegiate record, with a drop-kick of 168 feet 7-1/2 inches, surpassing Yale's previous record of 157 feet, five times before he was satisfied.

At Bursley his leading line was apparently "Singapore delicious chunks at 7-1/2d. per large tin." Rachel knew Wason; she had known him at Knype. And she was well aware that his speciality was second-rate. She despised him.

Having pursued this coast for 900 miles, and seen our latitude decrease from 2-1/2 degrees until we found ourselves in 9 degrees, at this point commenced a shoal of from three to nine fathoms deep, which stretched along the coast to 7-1/2 degrees.

Maybe it was a dry summer, so the little tree grew only 2-1/2 inches higher while the ring of wood it added was no thicker than a sheet of paper. Next year, the fourth, it did better. And the next was about its best year, for it grew 7-1/2 inches higher, and put on a fine fat ring of wood, as you see.