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There were these commissary stores carried, calculated by pounds: Bacon, 67,275; corn-meal, 31,250; roasted coffee, 10,200; raw coffee, 3,250; sugar, 2,425; mess pork and beef, 9,600; corned beef, 24,000; beans 18,900; hardtack, 1,250; cans of corn, 1250. June 29.

It is evident that men do not undertake to fit themselves to be officers, and to struggle through frequent and severe examinations to remain officers, for the pay they receive. A lieutenant receives for the first three years $300 a year, from the fourth to the sixth year $425, from the seventh to the ninth year $495, from the tenth to the twelfth year $550, and after the twelfth year $600 a year.

Before 1801 he had found eleven; Lohrmann added 75; Mädler 55; Schmidt published in 1866 a catalogue of 425, of which 278 had been detected by himself; and he eventually brought the number up to nearly 1,000. They are, then, a very persistent lunar feature, though wholly without terrestrial analogue. There is no difference of opinion as to their nature.

As far as they are used in the common writing, they amount to 2,425. The number of characters in the Chinese dictionary is 40,000, of which, however, only 10,000 are required for the general purposes of literature. They are disposed under 214 signs, which serve as keys, and which correspond to our alphabetic order.

Reforming, they charged again, to meet another repulse. The regiments, broken, disordered, and commingled, persisted in the vain endeavor, only to encounter heavier losses. The Sixth Mississippi lost 300 killed and wounded out of a total of 425. More than one-third of the brigade were killed and wounded.

The next year he acquired the kingdom of Wessex, in 808 that of the Mercians, and in time his reputation brought under his rule the four remaining kingdoms of Great Britain. Triel, A. P. v. 147, art. 104. For the title of Pere du Peuple, St. Cloud, A. P. v. 68. Montaigut, A. P. v. 577. T., Rouen, A. P. v. 602. T., Vannes, A. P., vi. 107. For blessings on the king and on Necker, see Mathieu, 425.

Cases on the Continent have been described by Billard, von Baer, Caspary, those already mentioned, and others. The name epidemic exfoliative dermatitis has been given to an epidemic skin-disease which made its appearance in 1891 in England; 425 cases were collected in six institutions, besides sporadic cases in private houses.

It was a Scotch gentleman, a friend of mine, that wrote it; but they put it upon me. See ante, i. 425. See ante, i. 452, and ii. 318. Horace, Satires. I. iii. 19. See ante, i. 396, and ii. 298. See ante, ii. 74. 'At supper there was such conflux of company that I could scarcely support the tumult. I have never been well in the whole journey, and am very easily disordered. Piozzi Letters, i. 109.

The importance of this portrait in the history of the Renaissance is discussed, postea, p. 113. ii. 19. This picture was transferred in 1857 from panel to canvas, but is otherwise in fine condition. Morelli, ii. 19, note. Crowe and Cavalcaselle: Titian, p. 425. Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1893, p. 135. It is customary to cite the Prague picture of 1525 as his work.

Both Poggio and Lionardo began life as Papal secretaries; the latter was not made a citizen of Florence till late in his career. Vite di Uomini Illustri. Barbera, 1859; p. 425. The historians of the first half of the sixteenth century are a race apart.