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The effect of this has been to change the bold shores into pestilential submerged swamps, whereon the dead trees still stand, tall, gray and ghostly; to convert a number of acres of beautiful meadow-land into stagnant grassy shallows; to back up the waters at the lake's head, to the utter destruction of several fine farms; and, last not least, to create fever and ague in abundance, where no such thing had ever been heard tell of before.

We paid him his dollars, wished that his shadow might never be less, which it couldn't very well, unless the ague can dance on a mathematical line, and set out with the color-box carried alternately before us on our pommels. It had been our bête noire from the time five dollars and fifty cents ransomed it at Shasta.

And he followed Mrs. Sturk, leaving Lowe adjusting his papers in the parlour. Toole found his patient laden with blankets, and shivering like a man in an ague, with blue sunken face.

She hoisted herself over the fence in a fashion worthy a man or a monkey, ran across the Clegg yard, entered the kitchen door, stumbled breathlessly up the dark back stairs, and gasped, grabbing Susan hard by the elbow, "What is it, for pity's " Susan was all colors and shaking as if with the ague. "You never told me 's it 'd work so quick," she cried out. "What would " "The feathers!"

This spring, he was seized with a tertian ague; and, when encouraged by his courtiers with the common proverb, that such a distemper, during that season, was health for a king, he replied, that the proverb was meant of a young king. His reign over Scotland was almost of equal duration with his life.

You do not shake with ague, nor does your head rack you with aching; but yet you may be ill. Think of what has passed between us. Must you not be ill when you seek to put an end to all that without any cause assigned." "You will not hear my reasons," she was still kneeling before him and looking up into his face.

"Let us drink the health of the newly-married couple," he said, pushing one glass towards Ishmael, and raising the other to his own lips. But Ishmael hesitated, and poured out a tumbler of pure water, saying, in a faint voice: "I will drink her health in this." "Nonsense! put it down. You are chilled enough without drinking that to throw you into an ague.

Our little one has been very amiable to-day. Adieu. New-York, July 19, 1802. Alston, Lady Nisbett, and Charlotte took passage for Red Hook. The wind has been so favourable that they undoubtedly arrived yesterday before dinner. Charlotte had three or four fits of ague and fever, but had escaped two days before she sailed, and was again in health. You will herewith receive the second book.

"Here, you," and Ham caught him by the shoulder and whirled him around, "jest give me a sight of yur mug wal, I'll be durned, if 'tain't Skoonly!" and Ham's eyes widened with surprise and the angry glint in them deepened, while the man under the grip of his big hand shook as if he had an ague fit. "Here's matter for the alcalde.

"Yes, it was beautiful," the mother agreed. "I could not help wishing that you were there." Karnis rose and paced the little room, waving his arms and muttering: "Ah! so that is how it is! A friend of the Muses. We saved the large lute that is well. My chlamys has an ugly hole in it if the girls were not asleep... but the first thing to-morrow Ague.... Tell me, is she handsome, tall?"