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The old lady relieves the high-flown benevolence of her husband with a good deal of spirit. You shall be Cottager's wife." "Cottager's wife!" cried Mr. Yates. "What are you talking of? The most trivial, paltry, insignificant part; the merest commonplace; not a tolerable speech in the whole. Your sister do that! It is an insult to propose it. At Ecclesford the governess was to have done it.

"The main object of that forgery was to beat Yates and elect Harris for Congress, object known to be exceedingly dear to Judge Douglas at the time.... The fraud having been apparently successful, both Harris and Douglas have more than once since then been attempting to put it to new uses.

"I have come here first." "Did you not go around by Sukey's and see her on your way home?" Rita asked. "I did not," replied Dic. "She was in town and rode with mother and me as far as the Yates cross-path. She heard me telling mother I had been ill."

"I have no chance in that quarter, especially when the old man's around." There was a sound of singing from the schoolhouse. The double doors were wide open, and as the light streamed out the people began to stream in. "Where's Macdonald?" asked Yates. "Oh, I guess he's taken to the woods. He washes his face, and then he hides.

I forgive your indignities, for it was natural for you to be provoked, and I provoked you needlessly childishly, in fact; but after what I have said, anything further in that line will not be borne." "I've a good mind to lick ye now," said Jim, on hearing himself defied. "You would be a fool to undertake it," said Yates. "Well, what be ye goin' to tell old Belcher, anyway?" inquired Jim.

"Here, sit up," he said gruffly. "I'm not paid to carry you, you know." "What's that? What's that? What's that?" cried Yates rapidly, blinking his eyes and straightening up. "Oh, it's only you, Stoliker. I thought it was my friend Renmark. Have I been asleep?" "Either that or pretending I don't know which, and I don't care." "Oh!

Everybody was growing weary of indecision, and the first idea with everybody was, that nothing had been proposed before so likely to suit them all. Mr. Yates was particularly pleased: he had been sighing and longing to do the Baron at Ecclesford, had grudged every rant of Lord Ravenshaw's, and been forced to re-rant it all in his own room.

Yates, the actress, sat to Romney for a picture of the 'Tragic Muse. Of course, this work was completely eclipsed by Reynolds's 'Tragic Muse, painted some thirteen years later.

Arthur L. Weatherly. On July 23, 24, in Augusta, and July 25, 27, in Bangor, Mrs. Catt and Mrs. Shuler addressed mass meetings in the evenings and held conferences with the workers through the days. In September Mrs. Catt gave a week to speaking at public meetings in various cities. Other speakers were Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, Miss Elizabeth Upham Yates, Dr. Lee Anna Starr, Mrs.

Captain Yates, assistant superintendent of the Opening, started from O'Neill, Nebraska, bearing the applications from that registration point. So that there would be no danger of his not reaching the town of Dallas with the applications before the deadline, a special train was waiting for him.