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Updated: August 26, 2024

"The Sagamore has lived longer than his younger brother," he rejoined gently. "And is far wiser," said I. "A little wiser in some few things concerning human life, Loskiel.... Does my brother desire that Mayaro shall bring in the Wyandotte?" "Bring him," I said; and walked forward toward our camp. Tahoontowhee stopped me with his challenge, then sprang forward at the sound of my voice.

Bonham when it became known that he was to ride that poky-looking plug against the five thoroughbreds which were to take part in the race. When all the preliminaries had been arranged, the signal was given, and off went the horses for Wyandotte.

"What are you?" said I in the Oneida dialect, trying to gain a square look at him in the shifty light. "Wyandotte," he said quietly. "Hell!" said I, turning to Captain Simpson. "Who sends me a Wyandotte?" "General Clinton," replied Simpson in surprise. "The Wyandotte came from Fortress Pitt.

The action gave her time to rally her faculties; and catching a glimpse of the vast importance to all for her maintaining self-command, she was enabled to raise her face with something like the fortitude the Indian hoped to see. "Trifle with me no longer, Wyandotté, but let me know the worst at once. Is my father dead? By father, I mean captain Willoughby?" "Mean wrong, den no fader, tell you.

Willoughby had yielded to his expostulations and arguments a forgiveness, which came reluctantly, and perhaps as much for the want of a suitable object for retaliation, as from a sense of Christian duty. "Nicholas," said the chaplain, "I have told the general all." "He know him!" cried the Indian, with startling energy. "I do, Wyandotté; and sorry have I been to learn it.

Notwithstanding, prohibition carried in the State by eight thousand majority. It is noteworthy that six counties, lying along the Missouri River, and having in or near them the cities of Atchison, Leavenworth, Wyandotte, White Cloud and Kansas City, and which also contain the largest foreign-born population in the State, gave heavy majorities against the amendment.

Among the Indians his name was a word of terror; they cherished against him feelings of the most phrenzied hatred, and there was not a Mingo or Wyandotte chief before Fort Henry who would not have given the lives of twenty of his warriors to secure to himself the living body of Major M'Culloch.

The barest recital of the facts makes evident the nature of the encouragement given. "Wing-and-Wing" was published at twenty-five cents a volume. So were "Wyandotte," "The Redskins," "The Crater," "Jack Tier," "The Oak Openings," and "The Sea Lions."

I could even mark, without seeing a living soul, where they caught it and where it was fighting madly but in utter silence while they were doing it to death so eloquent were the feathery willow-tops of the tragedy that agitated each separate slender stem to frenzy. Suddenly I turned and looked at the Wyandotte, squatting motionless beside me.

In the crowning event of a tournament he easily outdistanced all entries in a four-mile race to Wyandotte, winning $250 for his owner, who had been laughed at for entering such an unprepossessing animal. I lost track of him after that. For several years I did not know what had become of him. But many years after, while in Memphis, I met Mr.

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