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But give thim th' wurrud to git ap, an' they'd ate their thistles undher th' guns iv some ol' Morro Castle befure night. "Ye don't see th' diff'rence, says ye. They ain't anny i' th' leaders. As efficient a lot iv mules as iver exposed their ears. Th' throuble is with th' rank an' file. They're men. What's needed to carry on this war as it goes to-day is an ar-rmy iv jacks an' mules.

"'Sorra a wurrud, sez Oi, 'an' good frinds we'll be yit, an' they wuz makin' fur the dooer to clayer out whin I sez: "'Howld on!

"When did they tell you to come here to-day?" "'Twas yisterday, sir. Miss Julie, she sinds wurrud for me to come this marnin' to clane, as they do be havin' a party last night. Ach, that this thrubble should come!" "There, now, Mrs. Flaherty, never mind your personal feelings. We're in a hurry."

Thin th' Cap had it put on a typewriter, an' r-run through a wringer. Thin he laid it transversely acrost a piece of wall paper; an', whereiver th' key wurrud sponge-cake appeared, he was thereby able f'r to make a sympathic lesion, acquirin' all th' characteristics iv th' race, an' a dam sight more."

"'In such circumstances, says th' sinitor fr'm Virginya, 'I wud be foorced to waive me almost insane prejudice again th' hellish docthrines iv th' distinguished sinitor fr'm Rhode Island, says he. "An' so it goes, Hinnissy. Niver a sordid wurrud, mind ye, but ivrything done on th' fine old principle iv give an' take." "Well," said Mr. Hennessy, "what diff'rence does it make?

'Tis a way I have, savin' your presince, sorr, in action. 'Let me out, bhoys, sez I, backin' in among thim. 'I'm goin' to be onwell! Faith they gave me room at the wurrud, though they would not ha' given room for all Hell wid the chill off. When I got clear, I was, savin' your presince, sorr, outragis sick bekaze I had dhrunk heavy that day.

"Arrah, now, look at the holy man. He puts on his hat widout a wurrud, whin he could strike the man dead wid jist sayin' a curse. 'Tis a good saint he is, to go wid the police, whin if he sthretched out his hand he could wither thim up, an' bur-rn thim like sthraws in the blazin' turf!" These people have votes, and to a man support the Nationalist party.

"Poot, ye mean," said Mr. Hennessy. "They'se no such wurrud in th' English language as putt. Belinda called me down ha-ard on it no more thin las' night." "There ye go!" said Mr. Dooley, angrily. "There ye go! D'ye think this here game iv goluf is a spellin' match? 'Tis like ye, Hinnissy, to be refereein' a twinty-round glove contest be th' rule iv three.

'Gleason have wan or two lodgin'-houses. 'Three, says Shay; 'but Hinkey knows all th' lodgers, he says. ''Twas a mane thing th' main guy done with Callaghan, says Hogan. 'What's that? says Shay. 'Thrun him off th' bridge, says Hogan, 'because he come fr'm Kerry, he says. 'I don't believe wan wurrud iv it, says Mullaney. 'They're more Kerry men on bridges thin anny other counties, he says.

'In th' eighth sintince I move to sthrike out th' wurrud and as unconstitutional, unprofissyonal, an' conthry to th' laws iv evidence. 'My Gawd, has my clint no rights in this coort? says th' other lawyer. 'Ye bet he has, says th' coort. 'We'll sthrike out th' wurrud and but well substichoot th' more proper wurrud "aloofness."