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Updated: August 26, 2024

"The grill," remarked the big man authoritatively, "is one of the oldest dodges known to the Secret Service. It renders a conventional code absolutely undecipherable as long as it is skilfully worded, as it is in this case. You send your conventional code by one route, your key by another.

Marion then dispatched his orderly to the guilty major, with a request, civilly worded, that he might see him at head quarters. He appeared accordingly, accompanied by the captain who had joined with him in the outrage, and under whose influence he appeared to act. Marion renewed his demand, in person, for the sword of Croft.

A law perhaps not as definitely worded in the retailing of incident or example, but as obvious nevertheless as was the necessity to live up to it or suffer the ever-lasting scorn of one's fellows. Some nine or ten months after the inquest Young Pete disappeared. No one knew where he had gone, and eventually he was more or less forgotten by the folk of Concho.

The expressions were gracefully worded and artless; nothing of flattery or sentimentality merely courteous gratefulness.

Here was an opportunity the I.G. had luckily foreseen and prepared to meet. Thanks to his foresight, Mr. Campbell was able to take out of his pocket several long and carefully worded telegrams giving a résumé of the situation. They suggested a workable compromise; it was adopted, and peace pourparlers began once more.

"Might might I see it?" huskily inquired Mrs. De Peyster. "Sure. The more that corroborates it the better." Her face to the wall, the faint light slanting across her shoulder, she glanced at the letter. The Duke's own handwriting! And a jilting letter! politely worded but a jilting letter!... Mrs. De Peyster jilted!... If that were ever to come out

It was my impulse to escape the grilling that this merciless woman was evidently going to put me to; my first primitive instinct to strike my adversary with some bitterly worded accusation and then turn and fly. But I stood my ground. Without a quiver of obvious embarrassment, or more than a second's hesitation, I replied, looking at Mrs. Sewall squarely. "My name is Ruth Chenery Vars."

Having met with such bad success in my application to my relations, I have taken a step that will surprise you. It is no other than writing a letter to Mr. Solmes himself. I sent it, and have his answer. He had certainly help in it. For I have seen a letter of his, and indifferently worded, as poorly spelt. Yet the superscription is of his dictating, I dare say, for he is a formal wretch.

The manner in which this request is worded shows that the paper he was writing was intended for a letter, and as it is supposed, to a Mrs. Smith, who seems to have assisted him with money; but whether or not this lady was the rich widow of Amsterdam, before alluded to, I have not been able to learn.

"What about the watch, Professor? Can you tell as much about it as you can about the rope and twine?" Professor Brierly snapped at him: "Are you trying to be funny, young man? Are you trying to convey the impression, are you implying that you do not believe what the microscope showed me when " "Pardon me, Professor. I worded my question wrong.

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