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Pinchin with Mortgages, and Deeds of Gift, and Loans at usurious interest, that he got at last the whole of his property from him, brought him in many thousands in debt besides, and, after keeping him for three years locked up and half-starved in the Compter, was only forced to consent to his enlargement when the unhappy little man whose head was never of the strongest, and his wits always going a wool-gathering went stark-staring mad, and was, by the City charity, removed to Bedlam Hospital in Moorfields.

Then his dubious eye roamed again to the white lettering on the glass front of the public-house. The young woman's eyes followed his, and rested there also, but in pure puzzledom. "No," said Father Brown, answering her thoughts. "It doesn't say 'Sela', like the thing in the Psalms; I read it like that myself when I was wool-gathering just now; it says 'Ales."

But while he grinned as he read over the list of the recruits to that delectable regiment, and hugged himself at the thought of how he would in a morning's work thoroughly purge it of all that were his antagonists, he suffered his wits to go wool-gathering in one instance where they should have been most alert.

'Then does Miss Wrenner come to the office? Bruce stared at her in silent pity. 'Miss Wrenner! At the office! Why you must be wool-gathering! Women are not allowed at the F O. Surely you know that, dear? 'Well, then, where did you meet Miss Wrenner? 'Miss Wrenner? Why do you ask? 'Simply because I want to know. 'Oh! Good heavens! What does it matter where I met Miss Wrenner?

Lindsey!" exclaimed Murray. "It's enough to make a man's wits go wool-gathering. There's no news of Sir Gilbert, and Lady Carstairs has been missing since twelve o'clock noon yesterday!" Mr. Lindsey was always one of the coolest of hands at receiving news of a startling nature, and now, instead of breaking out into exclamations, he just nodded his head, and dropped into the nearest chair.

Hunt upon the subject for which he had been invited; and as a bottle always set his head a "wool-gathering," he made one of the most ridiculous exhibitions that can possibly be imagined. Between his desire to make Mrs.

"Then just whisper to him again, Osgod, that I have urgent need for speech with him. I suppose Beorn has not arrived?" "Beorn!" Osgod repeated vaguely. "The Thane of Fareham," the armourer said sharply. "Are your wits wool-gathering altogether?" "No, he is not here; nor has Wulf said a word of his coming, as he assuredly would have done had he expected him."

Quicker, of a more nervous temperament, more easy of comprehension than the lymphatic boy, whose wits were "wool-gathering," according to his father, she seemed to communicate to him something of her own spirit and fire. "She jogs him up," said Madame Bayard. And since he had lived with his foster sister Leon had perceptibly grown brighter and quicker.

Carelessness in domestic matters is a grave fault in a young girl, and I am pleased that Elisabeth has outgrown her habit of wool-gathering, and of letting the fire go out under her very nose without noticing it. It is a source of thanksgiving to me that the child is so much more thoughtful and considerate in this matter than she used to be."

You will never guess: Lord Mildmay! 'What did you say of Lord Mildmay, sir? 'My dear fellow, your wits are wool-gathering; I say I think I have let Rosemount. 'Oh! I have changed my mind about letting Rosemount. 'My dear Duke, there is no trouble which I will grudge, to further your interests; but really I must beg, in future, that you will, at least, apprise me when you change your mind.