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Updated: August 16, 2024

I prize my Honour more than Life, Yet I had rather have given him all he wish'd of me, Than be guilty of his Undoing. Pert. And I think the Sin were less. L. Ful. I must confess, such Jewels, Rings and Presents as he made me, must needs decay his Fortune. Bred. Ay, Madam, his very Coach at last was turned into a Jewel for your Ladyship.

"Holt Street, Tuesday. "Madam, I am honour'd with your Grace's letter, inclosing one from Doctor Smollett. It is above a year since I was applied to by Doctor Smollett, thro' a person I wish'd extremely to oblige; but there were and still subsist some applications for the same office, of a nature which it will be impossible to get over in favour of Mr.

But why, Erminia, must I grant it thee? Er. The Princess, Sir, questions my Power, and says, I cannot gain so much upon your Goodness. Alcip. I could have wish'd some other had oblig'd thee to't. Er. You would not blame her if you knew her reason. Alcip.

"In Anxieties, such as hopeless Lovers feel, did the discontented Anadea pass the Night: She could not avoid wishing, though there was not the least Room for her to imagine a Possibility of what she wish'd: She could not help praying, yet thought those Prayers a Sin.

He was forward enough to begin it, and in compliance with his People, resolv'd on it; but the Grief of the usage he had receiv'd, the unkind Treatment he had met with from those very People that brought him thither, had sunk so deep upon his Spirits, that he could never recover it; but being very weak in Body and Mind, and join'd to a slight hurt he receiv'd by a fall from his Horse, he dyed, to the unspeakable grief of all his Subjects that wish'd well to their Native Country.

They wish'd to marry: they could rule a house; Men hated learned women. . . ." The girls walked slowly about among the orange groves and by the fountain jets. In the distance the chapel bells tolled faint and sweet. More maidens appeared, and Tennyson's lovely lines were again represented with such skill, the effect of multitude was so skilfully managed that the

"If," he writes, "you can raise a large sum of money by pawning my kingdoms for that purpose, I am content you should do it; and if I recover them, I will fully repay that money. And tell the nuncio, that if once I can come into his and your hands, which ought to be extremely wish'd"

Some feet below the top, the cliff fetch'd a slant inward, so that I dangled a full three feet out from the face. Now, tho' I saw the ledge under me, about a third of the way down, it look'd, in the darkness, to be so extremely narrow, that 'tis probable I should have call'd out to Billy to draw me up but for the certainty that he would never hear: so instead I held very tight and wish'd it over.

After the Council had concluded, they were again call'd upon, and the Queen told them, that by the Advice of her good Friends, the Europeans, and those of her Council, she agreed to make a Peace, which she wish'd might banish all Memory of former Injuries That they must own the War was begun by them, and that she was far from being the Agressor; she only defended her self in her own Kingdom, which they had often invaded, though, till within few Days, she had never molested their Coasts.

He liked the rifling well enough, but gave us a wish'd delivery without blood, for being acquainted with every corner of the house, he pick'd the lock of an inner-room where the movables lay, and bringing us into it, we lifted what was of most value, and got off while it was yet early in the morning; avoiding the common road, and not resting till we thought our selves out of danger.

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