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The first and best thing to be done, however, under any circumstances, was to keep the confidence and friendship of Ralph. With this thought in mind, he occupied a seat with the boy as they rode up from Wilkesbarre on the train that night, and kept him interested and amused until they reached the station at Scranton.

I don't believe he has any idea of trying to run into Wilkesbarre while it is day, but is getting up some plan for stealing in at night with her." "It does look that way, which means our waiting in some place of hiding till the time shall come to make the attempt." "And this isn't much of a hiding-place, when the minute I climbed a tree I was seen by Worrell, there."

De Palma climbed the "Giant's Despair" near Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, an ascent six thousand feet long, with grades varying from 10 to 22 per cent., in his big machine in 1 minute 28-2/5 seconds. A Marmon stock car reached the top in 1 minute 50-1/5 seconds. Pike's Peak, Mount Washington, Ensign Mountain, in Utah, and lesser mountains elsewhere have also been climbed repeatedly by automobiles.

But latterly there has been an awakening which means protection, I think, for this fine old landmark. The two superb elms, known as "Paul and Virginia," that make notable the north shore of the Susquehanna at Wilkesbarre, are subjects of local pride; which seems, however, not strong enough to prevent the erection of a couple of nasty little shanties against their great trunks.

It was a good omen that the whites had been able to go thus far without encountering any of the Iroquois, and they were not a little cheered thereby. But the fact remained and it took somewhat from their rejoicing that they were further from Wilkesbarre at the time of halting than they were at starting.

For several days following her bilge pumps sent overboard a continuous stream of water and oil seepage. On December 3d the following news-item appeared in the Providence Daily Bulletin, "The east shore of the lower harbour and upper bay, from Wilkesbarre pier to Riverside and below, is strewn with the bodies of dead Wild Ducks, which began to drift ashore yesterday.

W.C. Gildersleeve, Esq., Wilkesbarre, Penn, a native of Georgia. Mr. William Leftwich, a native of Virginia and son of a slaveholder he has recently removed to Delhi, Hamilton County, Ohio. "From dawn till dark, the slaves are required to bend to their work." Mr. Nehemiah Caulkins, Waterford, Conn., a resident in North Carolina eleven winters.

In a moment the story of Ralph's adventure in Wilkesbarre returned to Sharpman, and he recognized Rhyming Joe as the person who had swindled the lad out of his money. He looked at the young man sternly, and said: "Yes; I have heard the story of that chance meeting.

The strong reality in his mind was the trying task that lay before him yet, and the bitter outcome, so soon to be, of all his hopes and fancies. At Pittston Junction there was another long delay. Ralph grew very nervous and impatient. If the train could have reached Wilkesbarre on time he would have had only an hour to spare before the sitting of the court.

"I guess I'd better go wi' ye," he said, "mayhap an' ye'll be afeared a-comin' hame i' the dark." "Oh, no, Uncle Billy!" exclaimed the boy, "they ain't no use in your walkin' way down there. I ain't a bit afraid, an' I'll get home early. Mr. Sharpman said maybe it wouldn't be any use for me to go to Wilkesbarre to-morrow at all, and he'd let me know to-night. No, don't you go!