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Updated: August 6, 2024

Tell ye what, Harry, lad; that topsail of our'n is a good un a rare good un for a reach, and in a moderate breeze; but we ought to have a `ballooner' for running off the wind in light weather a whacking big un, with a `jack' as long as the bowsprit, and a yard as long as the lower-mast. I'm beginning to think we are under-sparred and under- sailed." I could scarcely agree with Bob in this.

By tea-time our legs were sore with whacking. Came the hour at last. We set out holding each other by moist clean hands, an admonishing Mrs. Handsomebody on the doorsill. Our hearts were high with excitement when we were shown ceremoniously into the Bishop's library, where he and Margery were sitting in the dancing firelight. We loved the dark-panelled room where we were always made so happy.

'Talk to him very seriously about it, Dolly, said Mabel. 'I've tried that and he only cringes and goes and does it again directly he's washed. I know what I'll do, Mabel. When he comes back this time, he shall have a jolly good whacking! 'My dear child, cried Mrs. Langton, 'what a dreadful expression!

My ambition would be to have a whacking big farm, a sort of ranch, miles away from anywhere He broke off. This was not the first time he had caught himself forgetting how his circumstances had changed in the past few weeks. It was ridiculous to be telling hard-luck stories about not being able to buy a farm, when he had the wherewithal to buy dozens of farms.

Some of these carriages are quite respectable in appearance. They are generally double-seated affairs, which have been discarded in the north. The horses are wrecks, and they show by their appearance that fodder is dear and that they are not half fed. One of the sounds of Key West is the whacking of the horses which draw the carriages and the mules which move the street cars from place to place.

"That red-headed movie idiot will be on a rise, taking the tourists as they ride through. Of course he doesn't expect the holdup not in the papers anyhow. He happens to have the camera trained on the party, and gets it all. Result a whacking good picture, revolvers firing blank cartridges, everything which people will crowd to see. Oh, it's good business all right. I don't mind admitting that."

As she did so a team came scrambling over the scarlet brink, dragging a wagon full of men and women. As the horses gained the level prairie, their driver laid aside a huge black-snake whip with which he had been soundly whacking them, and looked about. The next moment, Dallas saw him rein in his team and spring to his feet. He was looking toward the shack, and he raised his whip-hand menacingly.

She jumped for us with joy and tears running down her face and give us a whacking box on the ear, and then hugged us and kissed us and boxed us again, and just couldn't seem to get enough of it, she was so glad to see us; and she says: "Where HAVE you been a-loafing to, you good-for-nothing trash! I've been that worried about you I didn't know what to do.

Joe Shafto and her club met them, and so did the Overland girls. Without uttering a sound they belabored the ruffians, beating, whacking, prodding and swinging their clubs to good purpose. "Help! Oh, help!" screamed Emma Dean. A thrown club had hit her on the leg and felled her.

Such a scuttling and rushing, such a whisking and a whacking, flying and plunging, I for one never saw before. There was actually a chorus of flapping fins and thumping tails as we raced for our lives. Was it a steam-engine or a monster boiler that was coming right down from upper regions into our midst?

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