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Updated: August 20, 2024

His coat may not have been cut by a west-end tailor, his hat may not have been a Lincoln Bennett, or his necktie the latest production of Burlington Arcade, but who could wear a tall white hat with a black band, with the least little rakish tilt, and a light grey frock coat with a rose in the buttonhole, with such an air and grace as he?

The last-named fact is one illustration out of many that during the latter years of their existence the coffee-houses of London did not by any means confine their liquors to the harmless beverage from which they took their name. Among the earliest coffee-houses to be established in the West-end of London was that opened by Thomas Slaughter in St. Martin's Lane in 1692 and known as Slaughter's.

"But you said business was all right?" "Ah, that's different. Of course he sells at a good profit, thank God. If I wanted to provoke Providence I could keep my carriage like any of your grand West-End ladies. But that doesn't make him a good buyer. And the worst of it is he always thinks he has got a bargain. He won't listen to reason, at all," said Malka, shaking her head dolefully.

An't it gratifying, Mr Pancks, though; really? Mr Pancks, who had snorted at the old man in his friendliest manner, replied in the affirmative, and casually asked whether that lively Altro chap had come in yet? Mrs Plornish answered no, not yet, though he had gone to the West-End with some work, and had said he should be back by tea-time.

He's in very high feather, riding about in broughams and dining at West-end taverns. He won't be sorry to get rid of me for a short time." "But what'll be your excuse for leaving town? He'll be sure to want a reason, you know." "I'll invent an aunt at Ullerton, and tell him I'm going down to stop with her." You'd better throw him off the scent altogether. Plant your aunt in Surrey say Dorking."

Even if we could, we should be rash to get it here, for every man asks about four times as much as he expects to get. That is one of the things which is so different in the East and West. Fancy going into one of the big west-end shops in London where an article was marked at a fixed price and trying to beat the shop assistant down. He would only smile, hardly answer, and turn away.

In proof of the wrongs inflicted on them by the non-trading classes, they might instance the well-known cases of large shopkeepers in the West-end, who have been either ruined by the unpunctuality of their customers, or have been obliged periodically to stop payment, as the only way of getting their bills settled.

Wrington hailed the other boats, and the detectives returned to the barge. A light thrown into the tiny cabin disclosed amid the disorder an open kit-bag full of linen. Green pulled out the top shirt and felt its texture between thumb and finger. Then he pointed to the name of a West-end maker on the collar. "Yes, it's hardly the kind of thing a barge watchman would wear," commented Foyle.

Soon he became an intimate there, honored for his piety by the wife, marked out for his ability by the husband, whose wealth was due to a flourishing city and west-end trade. That was the setting-in of a new current for his ambition, directing his prospects of "instrumentality" towards the uniting of distinguished religious gifts with successful business.

Mr John Eames of the Income-tax Office, had in these days risen so high in the world that people in the west-end of town, and very respectable people too, people living in South Kensington, in neighbourhoods not far from Belgravia, and in very handsome houses round Bayswater, were glad to ask him out to dinner. Money had been left to him by an earl, and rumour had of course magnified that money.

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