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""She stood between me and my love," she said, as she stopped for a moment, laying one hand upon another, "and it was necessary she should be put out of the way. A Grierson was never a waverer when a deed of blood was to be done." "How did you do it?" "How did I do it? Poison! I made her sleep the long sleep, which the sun never breaks, nor the moon, nor time." "What poison did you say?"

'I am 'Not buff, Mr. Pickwick, interrupted Pott, drawing back his chair, 'your friend is not buff, sir? 'No, no, rejoined Bob, 'I'm a kind of plaid at present; a compound of all sorts of colours. 'A waverer, said Pott solemnly, 'a waverer.

For, as we have said, he is a waverer; and in the haughty pride of his royalty, he has the presumption to wish to stand above all parties, and to be himself able to found a new Church, a Church which is neither Catholic nor Protestant, but Ms Church; to which, in the six articles, the so-called 'Bloody Statute' he has given its laws.

In a similar mood, the spiritual waverer vows to believe if the saint will appear. However, she submitted. Then there was joy in the family, and she tasted their caresses. After his deed of loftiness Alvan walked to his hotel, where the sight of the room Clotilde had entered that morning caught his breath.

She gave a glance for confirmation at Halfman, who lounged forward. "That he is," he asserted, briskly. "He has gone a-marketing." "Then to it at once!" Brilliana cried, eying the waverer encouragingly. "Take such of my people as you will. You will find some at the stables yonder," and as she spoke she pointed in the direction opposite to the house.

They looked back upon his pusillanimity with awe, and extracted from his apparent fears the subtle elements of a second providence. He was no longer the coward and the waverer.

"Zarah shall decide for me!" exclaimed the unhappy waverer at last. "If I find her resolution immovable, come what may, I will give my child one chance of escape from the horrible fate with which she is threatened." In a few minutes, pale and haggard from his contending emotions, Pollux re-entered the apartment in which he had left his daughter.

"You may be sure, my dear lord, I cannot refuse your invitation; indeed, I intended to visit your county next week. You know, perhaps, a Mr. Merton." "Charles Merton? to be sure; most respectable man, capital fellow, the best parson in the county, no cant, but thoroughly orthodox; he certainly keeps in his brother, who, though a very active member, is what I call a waverer on certain questions.

Hardy's face cleared. This was not the first waverer Jeff had brought back into line, not the first by several. There was something compelling in his friendly smile and affectionate manner. "I'm sure Mr. Killen intends only what is right. I'm content to leave the matter entirely with you and him," Hardy said. Jeff turned to Rawson. "And you, old warhorse?"

Why not? Is not Dolores worthy such a sacrifice then? Hah, but Venner is a man of decision. Thy eyes saw the treasure? It's lost to thee unless " she whispered, peering up into his angry face. "Unless?" "Unless thou prove the better man. Dolores would have thee before all the rest, friend; but she despises a waverer. I tell thee thy fortune is yet in thy hands." "How?" "Here, I have thy sword.