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Updated: August 25, 2024

The tail is composed of three large feathers, which project beyond two triangular extensions, marking the end of the body. The technic of this figure is exceedingly complicated and the colors very beautiful. Although this bowl was quite badly broken when exhumed, it has been so cleverly mended by Mr Henry Walther that no part of the symbolism is lost.

His friends hailed him as a mighty champion, and she who had won his affections bestowed upon him the reward of knightly valour her promise of marriage. The bewildered Walther scarce knew whether he was awake or asleep, but at length it was borne in upon him that someone had won great triumphs in his name. Who could have so successfully personated him as to deceive even his dearest friends?

As for the lovers, Kunrad and Diemut, they, taking advantage of the darkness, as Mr. Henderson once remarked of another opera, Azrael, appropriated the musical colour let me put the case mildly of the duo of Walther and Eva. Wagner dead remains the imperious tyrant, a case of musical mortmain, the lawyers would put it; a hand reaching from his grave dictating the doings of the living.

Walther mentions the case of an infant which remained almost petrified in the belly of its mother for twenty-three years. No trace of the placenta, cord, or enveloping membrane could be found.

This was the voice of the Consistorial President, who was playing piquet with Count Walther Puck, and making himself audible in this manner. The poet read out, in the most dulcet accents at his command "Ah! but once more! once more only Let me hear thee, voice of beauty, Voice of rapture, voice of sweetness, Voice from out the deep abysses, Voice from out the heights of Heaven! Hark! oh, listen "

Walther takes his cue, and simply vaulting into the seat of his Pegasus, casting the bridle upon the neck of inspiration, he directly before them all pours forth his full heart in profuse strains of unpremeditated art.

Eva pulls Walther quickly back into the dark. "Woe's me, the shoe-maker! If he were to see us!... Hide! Do not go near that man!" "What other road can we take?" "The street there but it is a winding one, I am not well acquainted with it, and, besides, we should run into the night-watchman." "Well, then, through the lane!" "The shoe-maker must first leave the window!"

Walther examined the profile in the picture, then perused the physiognomy of his friend, shook his head, grew pensive, and made his bow with an absent air when the stranger took his leave with Eulenböck, who had begged his company to shew him his paintings. "What is the matter with you?" asked Erich, who had stayed behind with the old gentleman in the saloon.

When Walther and Eva part, they are candidly lovers, for she has joined her voice to his at the closing words of his profession, and herself warmly professed: "My heart with its blessed ardour, for you, its love-consecrated kindness!" In a moment the women are gone.

With a dramatic abruptness that startles one, a fragment of a Venusberg theme shoots up; then a few chords, and Tannhäuser begins praise of the thing he understands by love. His strains are impassioned too much so for another of the troubadours, Walther, who follows somewhat in Wolfram's manner, but with much more energy.

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