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Updated: August 5, 2024

Later on, when the former was at the piano, and he pretending to turn over, he whispered, "I wonder under whose window I was making such a lovely noise the other night?" "How should I know? And why did you do it?" "I wanted to give you a welcome to the Lake; but perhaps I serenaded that vinegar-faced governess instead."

But then that plaguy, jealous, suspicious, old vinegar-faced Honour, and her partner Pride as penny-wise and pound-foolish a she-skinflint as herself have the monopoly of the article. Aristophanes, in his comedy of "Peace," insinuates a beautiful allegory by only suffering that goddess, though in fact she is his heroine, to appear as a mute. She takes care never to open her lips.

"All is well in that quarter," said the page; "and for the rest But, hey-day, what! have you taken the chain and medal off from my bonnet?" "And meet time it was, when yon usher, vinegar-faced rogue that he is, began to inquire what Popish trangam you were wearing.

He added that he had been told by Robert Valbringue, who lately passed that way in his return from Africa, that a sixth kind was to fly hither out of hand, which he called capus-hawks, more grum, vinegar-faced, brain-sick, froward, and loathsome than any kind whatsoever in the whole island. Africa, said Pantagruel, still uses to produce some new and monstrous thing.

Luckless wight, doomed, through a whole summer day, to be the butt of mirth and mischief among the frolicsome maidens! Bolt upright in a sulky rides a thin, sour-visaged man, who, as he pays his toll, hands the toll-gatherer a printed card to stick upon the wall. The vinegar-faced traveller proves to be a manufacturer of pickles.

Miss Dorothy helps to buy food and clothes for us, and you ought to be ashamed to speak of her as you do." As she delivered this reprimand Beulah snatched up a small volume and hid it in her work-basket. "I don't believe she gives us much. I do hate her, and I can't help it; she is so ugly, and cross, and vinegar-faced. I should not like her to look at my mug of milk.

There was a laugh at the expense of the vinegar-faced lady, who did not fail in a sharp retort which was more acid than convincing. The conversation then went back to General Abercrombie and his wife. "Didn't she look dreadful?" remarked one of the company. "And her manner toward the general was so singular." "In what respect?" asked Mrs. Craig.

Horses of the gentler sex in Japan are usually led by women. During part of my journey to the place which I am about to describe the leader of the mare I bestrode was a maiden of some forty summers a neat, spare, vinegar-faced sylph, who had evidently long since left the matrimonial market, and had devoted herself to making one horse happy for the rest of her pilgrimage.

But then that plaguy, jealous, suspicious, old vinegar-faced Honour, and her partner Pride as penny-wise and pound-foolish a she-skinflint as herself have the monopoly of the article. Aristophanes, in his comedy of "Peace," insinuates a beautiful allegory by only suffering that goddess, though in fact she is his heroine, to appear as a mute. She takes care never to open her lips.

Luckless wight doomed through a whole summer day to be the butt of mirth and mischief among the frolicsome maidens! Bolt upright in a sulky rides a thin, sour-visaged man who as he pays his toll hands the toll-gatherer a printed card to stick upon the wall. The vinegar-faced traveller proves to be a manufacturer of pickles.

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