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"'I hear you get a nice bet down on your hoss, Mr. Sanford, he says. 'I sure hope he cops. "'Thank you, ma boy, says ole man Sanford. 'I only placed a small wageh, but at vehy liberal odds. Ah shall profit materially should he win his race. "'If he gets away good he'll roll, says Chick. 'There's no class to that bunch, 'n' he's a bear with a shot in him.

Still, I was vehy much struck by what someone said to me to-day that you'd be vehy sorry if women did get the vote. I think I should be sorry, too you know what I mean." "Perfectly," ejaculated Rosamund, with a pleasant smile. "I hope I'm not skidding," said Miss Ingate still more timidly, but also with a sardonic giggle, looking round into the gloom.

Before the cooling beverage had been surmounted by its delicate mouthpiece the street gate opened and the colonel walked briskly in. "Ah, Major! You here? Jes the vehy man we wanted, suh! Fitz and the English agent are comin' to dinner. You have heard the news, of co'se? No? Not about the great syndicate absorbin' the Garden Spots? My dear suh, she's floated!

"Well," Miss Ingate answered, with impartial irony on her long upper lip. "I don't know. Of course I played the organ all the way down Regent Street. I feel very strongly about votes for women, and once when I was helping in the night and day vigil at the House of Commons and some Ministers came out smoking their cigahs and asked us how we liked it, I was vehy, vehy angry.

Miss Ingate put in, "I'd been dining at the Proctors' and it was after ten, I know it was after ten because they never let me leave until after ten, in spite of the long drive I have. Fancy there being a train from Frinton after ten! So of course I brought Miss Foley along. Oh! It was vehy interesting. Vehy interesting. You see we had to think of the police.

Audrey went for it, pretending to search, and then handed it over with a casual gesture. "It looks as if it was from Nick," she murmured. Miss Ingate, as she was putting on her spectacles, remarked: "I hope you weren't hurt me not coming with you and Musa in the taxi from the gardens this afternoon, dear." "Me? Oh no!" "It wasn't that I was so vehy interested in my sketch.

De jailah was too po'ly to enjoy wu'kkin' vehy hahd, so I tuk de keys, an' when dey didn't need me at nights, ovah at his house, I allus locked myse'f in reg'lar every night, so's to feel I wuz doin' right, you know. In de mawnin', right early, I made breakfast foh dem, an' fix dem up like.

"You knew I played the barrel organ all down Regent Street?" she ventured, blushing. "Ah!" murmured Rosamund, unmoved. "It was you who played the barrel-organ? So it was." "Yes," said Miss Ingate. "But I'm like you. I don't care passionately for prison. Eh! Eh! I'm not so vehy, vehy fond of it. I don't know Miss Burke, but what a pity she has got six weeks, isn't it?

And I stood outside while Miss Ingate woke up Mr. Aguilar. It was soon all right." "I must say Aguilar was vehy reasonable," said Miss Ingate. "Vehy reasonable. And he's got a great spite against my dear Inspector Keeble. He suggested everything. He never asked any questions, so I told him. You do, you know.

"Not so vehy much longer than you have been taking during the past fo'tnight, my deah seh. But neveh mind; all's fair in love or war, and we appeah to be having a little of both now up heah in Qua'tz Creek, hah?" Winton flushed angrily. It was no light thing to be mocked before his men, to say nothing of Miss Carteret standing within arm's reach on the railed platform of the Rosemary.