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The knife flashed upwards, missing its mark by a foot, and while yet the sun played on the steel in midair Vandersee recovered, smiling now with terrible assurance, and his great bulk leaned, his long, powerful arms enwrapped his foe in a hug that paralyzed every limb.

He squinted at Miss Sheldon, puzzled, and stammered: "Would you take Vandersee's advice, Miss? Ain't he dead set against your friend Leyden?" "Oh, I don't know what to think about Mr. Vandersee," replied the girl, in distress again. "I know that he is with and for you, which suggests his antagonism to Mr. Leyden, who I am sure doesn't know him.

"Not going to quit, are you?" Little gasped, staring at his friend with horror. "Is this the bold Jack Barry I picked out on the dock fer a partner?" "Quit nothing! I'm going to see this thing through, but I'll follow Vandersee from now on. I wouldn't bother that schooner again on my own account for all the gold that ever came out of Celebes.

Barry stirred, and Vandersee stopped speaking; shooting a hurried look at the skipper and then motioning to the others to follow, he went swiftly out of the hut. Gordon remained and stared full into the wide-open eyes of Barry. "What was Vandersee doing here?" demanded Barry, not yet distinguishing Gordon's face.

Gordon, and again by Lieutenant Vandersee, backed up by a stolen glimpse at the Padang's papers, showing she had cleared for Europe, and not for Batavia, as I had been led to believe. I was forced to see the horrible situation I had placed myself in; for if this schooner ever got out to sea " She stopped in distress, and Barry pressed her hand gently.

She will come to you as soon as possible, for she considers you her own private patient." Mrs. Goring beamed kindly upon him, and the skipper's irritation passed under her sympathetic touch. "Tell me," he begged cajolingly, "wasn't that Vandersee in here awhile ago?" "Oh, he's been here many times, Captain," smiled back Mrs. Goring. "Yes, yes, I know. I mean while Gordon was here with us."

I am, as you perhaps have gathered, a lieutenant in the Dutch navy." "Yes, yes," interrupted Barry, interested, yet hotly impatient to arrive at matters more closely concerning him personally. "That is all right, Vandersee. I know that, and that Mrs.

"Miss Sheldon's whereabouts?" he echoed. "Since when?" "She disappeared this morning," cried Barry angrily. "Do you mean to say that's news to you? Ask the dwarf there. He's been close to Leyden, hasn't he?" Vandersee spoke swiftly to the dwarf in his native dialect, and the little man nodded his head vehemently. "This is bad news, Captain," said the Hollander seriously.

"I mean sailing aboard of ships unknown to owners or skippers." "Yes," put in Little, awake at last, "if she didn't arrive here in our ship, I'll eat what's left of her the ship, I mean." "She certainly didn't leave Java before us, and she was undoubtedly in this river as soon as we, and besides, there's a matter of a photo " Barry was rattling on, and Vandersee stopped him.

All had vanished as utterly as if the ship were complete and built for purposes of concealment. But looking in the direction in which Vandersee had waved, Barry saw farther down the main river yet another big steam pinnace, full of uniformed seamen. He just caught sight of her as she swept alongside the near bank, and a party of men poured out of her and started to double towards the creek.