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Ciel! s'ecrient les Commissaires, le nom du tyran! Et apres avoir retrouve leur haleine, suffoquee d'abord par l'indignation, ils mettent en poche le brevet de pension, c'est a dire 1000 livres de rente, et emportent la marmite.

Somehow I could not recall in what particular they differed. I sat a time thinking over it. Suddenly I heard low voices, those of women speaking in French; I could not tell from where they came. "I do wish she would die, the hateful thing!" said one. "The colonel is severe to-night," said another. "The colonel a fine baroness indeed vieille tyran! I cannot love her. Lord!

The new Minister and the Chancellor are in general execration. On the latter's lately obtaining the Cordon Bleu, this epigram appeared: Ce tyran de la France, qui cherche

With a calm and a noble people, the individual ambition of a citizen can never effect evil: to be impatient of chains, is not to be worthy of freedom to murder a magistrate is not to ameliorate the laws. They had, very shortly before, stoned one magistrate, and torn to pieces another. Entitled "Conjuration de Nicolas Gabrini, Dit de Rienzi, Tyran de Rome."

"Syth the realm of England was first a realm," said Hale, "was there never in it so great a robber and piller of the commonwealth read of nor heard of as is our king..... He is the most cruellest capital heretic, defacer and treader under foot of Christ and of his church, continually applying and minding to extinct the same; whose death, I beseech God, may be like to the death of the most wicked John, sometime king of this realm, or rather to be called a great tyran than a king; and that his death may be not much unlike to the end of that manqueller Richard, sometime usurper of this imperial realm.

On the slightest new impulse, they change their thoughts, their oaths, their love, their hatred. In this particular, a French mob is the most remarkable thing in the world; they cannot exist without some favourite yell, some particular watch-word of the day, or rather of the hour. One day it is, "A bas le tyran! A bas les soldats!" the next it is "Vive l'Empereur! Vivent les Marchaux!

And so, notwithstanding my desire of not making myself conspicuous in anything, I have been unable to take upon myself to join the throng of admirers whom Madame de Palme drags after her triumphal car. I know not whether "Le tyran dans sa cour remarqua mon absence:"

Quel homme, quel tyran! and den, of course, when he grows to be a husband, he will be worserer and worserer, and badderer and badderer, when he grows to be your husband." "Oh," cried Lady Augusta, snatching up her gloves hastily, "my husband he shall never be, I am determined. So now I'll give him his coup de grace."

But a revolution of figures could be of no avail. The people's discontent was growing up, and new revolts followed. A saviour the "tyran" was appealed to; he massacred the rebels, but the disintegration of the communal body continued worse than ever.

It was thrown before my horse's feet as I was riding in the park." "'Joseph Premier, aimable et charmant: Joseph Seconde, scorpion et tyran." "How can your majesty laugh at such unparalleled insolence?" cried the indignant secretary.